owners manual Volvo XC60
owners manual Volvo XC60 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC60, year of production 2017:
|| WARNING Level control of the cars rear section* During driving, the rear section height will return
The protection provided by the inflatable cur- The cars rear section can be lowered/raised in to the normal level.
tain in the headlining may be compromised or order to create a better working height for the
eliminated by high loads. cars cargo area or to assist when a trailer shall NOTE
Never load cargo above the backrest. be coupled/uncoupled to/from the towbar*. It is not possible to adjust the height of the
• Level control is performed via a control at the rear section when one or more of the doors
rear on the right-hand side in the cargo areas or the bonnet is open. This does not apply to
WARNING side panel. the tailgate.
Always secure the load. During heavy braking
the load may otherwise shift, causing injury to WARNING
the cars occupants.
Cover sharp edges and sharp corners with Pay attention to ensure that there is no per-
something soft. son, animal or object under the car when low-
ering. This would involve danger to life and
Switch off the engine and apply the parking damage to the car or object.
brake when loading/unloading long items.
Otherwise you may accidentally knock the Roof load and loading on load carriers
gear lever or gear selector with the load into a
drive position - and the car could then move 3
For loading on the cars roof, the load carriers
off. that Volvo have developed are recommended.
This is in order to avoid damage to the car and in
Increasing the space in the cargo area Controls for raising/lowering the cars rear section.order to achieve the maximum possible safety
To expand the cargo area and simplify loading, during a journey.
the rear seats backrest can be lowered. Note The control consists of two buttons - one button Carefully follow the installation instructions sup-
that objects must not prevent the function of thethat lowers and one button that raises the rear plied with the carriers.
WHIPS system for the front seats if any of the section of the car. For raising or lowering, each
button must be held depressed until the rear sec- Check periodically that the load carriers and
rear seats backrests is folded down. •
tion has reached the desired level. load are properly secured. Lash the load
A through-load hatch in the rear seat can be It is not possible to raise the cars rear section securely with retaining straps.
folded down for carrying long and narrow loads. higher than its normal level. Distribute the load evenly over the load carri-
ers. Put the heaviest objects at the bottom.
3 Volvos load carriers are available for purchase at authorised Volvo dealers.
220 * Option/accessory.

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual
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