owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
DOTQualityGrades:Allpassengercartireshave poor traction performance.WARNING
must conform to Federal Safety Require-WARNING The temperature grade for this tire is
ments in addition to these grades. established for a tire that is properly
Quality grades can be found where appli-The traction grade assigned to yourinflated and not overloaded. Excessive
cable on the tire sidewall between treadvehicle tires is based on straight-aheadspeed, under-inflation, or excessive
shoulder and maximum section width. Forbraking traction tests, and does notloading, either separately or in combi-
example: include acceleration, cornering, hydro-nation, can cause heat build-up and
Treadwear200TractionAATemperatureAplaning, or peak traction characteris-possible tire failure.
Treadwear grade is a comparative ratingTemperature A, B and C
based on tire wear rate when tested underTemperature grades are A (the highest), B,
controlled conditions on specified govern-and C. They represent a tire’s resistance to
ment test courses. For example, a tireheat build-up, and its ability to dissipate
graded 150 would wear one and a halfheat when tested under controlled condi-
(1-1/2) times as well on the governmenttions on a specified indoor laboratory test
course as a tire graded 100. However,wheel. Sustained high temperature can
relative tire performance depends on actualcause tire material to degenerate, reducing
driving conditions, and may vary signifi-tire life. Excessive temperatures can lead to
cantly due to variations in driving habits,sudden tire failure. Grade C corresponds to
service practices and differences in roadaperformancelevelwhichallpassengercar
characteristics and climate.tires must meet under the Federal Motor
Traction AA, A, B and C Vehicle Safety Standard No. 109. Grades A
The traction grades, from highest to lowest,and B represent higher levels of perfor-
are AA, A, B, and C. Those grades repre-mance on laboratory test wheels than the
sent a tire’s ability to stop on wet pavementminimum required by law.
as measured under controlled conditions,
on specified government test surfaces of
asphalt and concrete. A tire marked C may
Technical and consumer information 9-19

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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