owners manual Nissan 350Z
owners manual Nissan 350Z - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Nissan 350Z Fairlady Z owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan 350Z, year of production 2002 - 2009:
Your new NISSAN has been designed to havePerforming general maintenance checks re-During the normal day-to-day operation of the
minimum maintenance requirements with longerquires minimal mechanical skill and only a fewvehicle, general maintenance should be per-
service intervals to save you both time andgeneral automotive tools.formed regularly as prescribed in this section. If
money. However, some day-to-day and regularThese checks or inspections can be done byyou detect any unusual sounds, vibrations or
maintenance is essential to maintain youryourself, a qualified technician or, if you prefer, asmells, be sure to check for the cause or have a
NISSAN’s good mechanical condition, as wellNISSAN dealer.NISSAN dealer do it promptly. In addition, you
as its emission and engine performance. should notify a NISSAN dealer if you think that
Where to go for service: repairs are required.
It is the owner’s responsibility to make sure thatIf maintenance service is required or your vehicle
scheduled maintenance, as well as general When performing any checks or maintenance
maintenance, is performed.appears to malfunction, have the systemswork, closely observe the “Maintenance precau-
checked and tuned by a NISSAN dealer.tions” later in this section.
As the vehicle owner, you are the only one whoNISSAN technicians are well-trained specialistsEXPLANATION OF GENERAL
can ensure that your vehicle receives the properand are kept up to date with the latest service
maintenance care. You are a vital link in theinformation through technical bulletins, serviceMAINTENANCE ITEMS
maintenance chain. tips, and in-dealership training programs. They
Scheduled maintenance: Additional information on the following
are completely qualified to work on NISSANitems with “*” is found later in this section.
For your convenience, both required and op-vehicles before they work on your vehicle,Outside the vehicle
tional scheduled maintenance items are de-rather than after they have worked on it.
scribed and listed in your “NISSAN Service andYou can be confident that a NISSAN dealer’sThe maintenance items listed here should be
Maintenance Guide”. You must refer to thatservice department performs the best job toperformed from time to time, unless otherwise
guide to ensure that necessary maintenance ismeet the maintenance requirements of your ve-specified.
performed on your NISSAN at regular intervals.hicle — in a reliable and economic way.Doorsandenginehood:Checkthatalldoors
General maintenance: andtheenginehoodoperatesmoothlyaswellas
General maintenance includes those items the trunk lid or back hatch. Also make sure that
which should be checked during normal day-to- all latches lock securely. Lubricate if necessary.
day operation. They are essential for proper Make sure that the secondary latch keeps the
vehicle operation. It is your responsibility to hood from opening when the primary latch is
perform these procedures regularly as pre- released.
scribed. When driving in areas using road salt or other
8-2 Maintenance and do-it-yourself
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year of production from: 2002
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Nissan 350Z Fairlady Z owners manual
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