owners manual Land Rover Range Rover
owners manual Land Rover Range Rover - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Land Rover Range Rover III 3 L322 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Land Rover Range Rover, year of production 2002 - 2012:
Engine Oil
Engine Oil
CHECK AND TOP-UP Checking oil level
The oil consumption of your engine is 1. Withdraw the dipstick and wipe the blade
influenced by many fact ors. New engines reach clean with a lint free cloth.
the normal value only after 5000 km 2. Fully re-insert the dipstick and withdraw
(3000 miles). Under high loads your engine will again to check the level, which should
also consume more oil. NEVER be allowed to fall below the lower
Check the oil level at least every 400 km mark or hole on the dipstick.
(250 miles), when the engine is COLD and with 3. To top-up, unscrew the oil filler cap and
the vehicle resting on level ground. add oil to maintain the level between the
Note: If it is necessary to check the oil level UPPER and LOWER marks or holes on the
when the engine is hot, switch off the engine dipstick.
and let the vehicle stand for five minutes to DO NOT OVERFILL! Clean up any oil
allow the oil to drain back into the sump. DO spillage incurred when topping-up.
NOT start the engine. 4. Check the oil level again.
As a general guide, if the level on the dipstick:
• is nearer to the upper mark or hole than the
lower, add no oil.
• is nearer to the lower mark or hole than the
upper, add half a litre (one pint) of oil. MAX
• is below the lower mark or hole, add one MIN
litre (two pints) of oil and re-check the level
after a further five minutes. H6372N
Oil specification
Caution: Your vehicle warranty may be
invalidated if damage is caused by use of
improper engine oil. Low quality or obsolete
oils DO NOT provide the protection required
by modern, high performance engines.
Failure to use an oil that meets the required
specification could cause excessive engine
wear, a build up of sludge and deposits, and
increase pollution. It could also lead to
engine failure.
It is essential to use an oil suitable for the
climatic conditions in whic h the vehicle is to be
operated. Precise specifications are shown in
LUBRICANTS AND FLUIDS, 287. If in doubt,
contact your Land Rover Dealer.

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year of production from: 2002

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manual Land Rover Range Rover III 3 L322 owners manual
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