owners manual Skoda Fabia
owners manual Skoda Fabia - year of production: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Skoda Fabia II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Skoda Fabia, year of production 2007 - 2015:
An audible signal sounds as a warning tone.
0he following is displayed in the information display:
■ If the yellow warning light goes out when you restart the engine and drive
Check coolant! Owner's manual!
for a short distance, it is not necessary to visit a ŠKODA specialist garage.
■ If the vehicle battery has been disconnected and reconnected, the yellow warn-
Stop the vehicle, switch off the engine, check the level of the coolant » page ĖęĘ,
ing light comes on after switching on the ignition. 0he warning light should go
and refill the coolant if necessary » page ĖęĘ.
out after driving a short distance.
If the coolant is within the specified range, the increased temperature may be
■ 0here is no power-assisted steering support when the vehicle is being towed
caused by an operating problem at the radiator fan. Check the fuse for the radia-
without the engine running or when the power-assisted steering is defect. 0he
tor fan, replace if necessary » page ĖĜĕ, Fuses in the engine compartment.
vehicle is fully steerable however. 0here is however increased force required to
turn the steering wheel.
Do not continue driving if the warning light does not go off even though the
coolant level is correct and the fuse for the fan is in working order!
Seek help from a ŠKODA specialist garage.
Electronic Stability Control (ESC)
3ARNING 0he warning light flashes to show that the ESC is currently operating.
If the warning light comes on immediately after you start the engine, the ESC
■ If you have to stop for technical reasons, then park the vehicle at a safe dis-
might be switched off due to technical reasons. Switch the ignition off and on
tance from the traffic, switch off the engine and activate the hazard warning
again. If the warning light does not light up after you switch the engine back on,
light system » page ęė.
the ESR is fully functional again.
■ Carefully open the coolant expansion bottle. If the engine is hot, the cooling
system is pressurized - risk of scalding! It is therefore best to allow the engine
If the warning light lights up, there is a fault in the ESC.
to cool down before removing the cap.
0he following is displayed in the information display:
■ Do not touch the radiator fan. 0he radiator fan may switch itself on auto-
matically even if the ignition is off. Ð
Error: Electronic Stability Control (ESC)
Seek help from a ŠKODA specialist garage.
0he ESC cannot be switched off, the button » page ĝę only deactivates the
Electrohydraulic power steering
0CS system and the warning light in the instrument cluster lights up.
0he warning light comes on for a few seconds when the ignition is switched
As the ESC operates in conjunction with the ABS, the ESP indicator light will also
come on if the ABS system fails.
If the warning light after switching on the ignition or when driving lights up con-
Further information » page ĝĘ, Stabilisation control (ESC).
tinuously, a fault exists in the electrohydraulic power steering. 0he power steer-
ing operates with reduced steering assist or does not function at all.
Seek help from a ŠKODA specialist garage.
If the vehicle's battery has been disconnected and reconnected, the warning light
Further information » page ĝĕ.
comes on after switching on the ignition. 0he warning light should go out after
driving a short distance.
ėĕ 1sing the system
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year of production from: 2007
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manual Skoda Fabia Skoda Fabia II 2 owners manual
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