owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
BACKbutton SXMbandselect key to display a list of categories. Touch a cat-
Pressing the BACK button will return the user toPressingtheSXMbuttonwillchangethebandasegory displayed on the list to display options
the previous menu. follows: within that category.
SXMsettings SXM1*→SXM2*→SXM3*→SXM1*(satellite,Tuning with the touch-screen
if so equipped) When in AM or FM mode, the radio can be tuned
To view the SXM settings: usingthetouch-screen.Tobringupthevisualtuner,
1. Press the [] button. WhentheSXMbuttonispressedwhiletheigni-touchthe“Tune”keyonthelowerrightcornerofthe
tion switch is in the ACC or ON position, thescreen. A screen appears with a bar running from
2. Touch the “Settings”key.radio will come on at the last station played.low frequencies on the left to high frequencies on
The last station played will also come on whenthe right. Touch the screen at the location of the
3. Touch the “SXM”key. frequency you wish to tune and the station will
The signal strength, activation status and otherthe ON-OFF button is pressed to turn the radiochange to that frequency. To return to the regular
information are displayed on the screen.on. radio display screen, touch the “OK”key.
FM/AM/SATradiooperation *When the SXM button is pressed, the satelliteTuning with the TUNE knob
radio mode will be skipped unless an optionalThe radio can also be manually tuned using the
FM·AMbutton satellite receiver and antenna are installed and aTUNE knob. When in FM or AM mode, turn the
Press the FM·AM button to change the band asSiriusXM®SatelliteRadioservicesubscriptionisTUNEknobtotheleftforlowerfrequenciesorto
follows: active. Satellite radio is not available in Alaska,the right for higher frequencies. When in SXM
Hawaii and Guam. mode, turn the TUNE knob to change the chan-
AM→FM1→FM2→AM If a compactdiscisplayingwhentheSXMbuttonnel.
Ifanother audio source is playing when theis pressed,thecompactdiscwillautomaticallybeSEEKtuning
FM·AMbuttonispressed,theaudiosourceplay-turned off and the last radio station played will
ing will automatically be turned off and the lastcomeon.When in FM or AM mode, press the seek
radio station played will begin playing.
The FM stereo indicator (ST) is shown on theWhile the radio is in SXM mode, the operationbuttonsorto tune from low to high
screen during FM stereo reception. When thecan be controlled through the touch-screen.or high to low frequencies and to stop at the next
stereo broadcast signal is weak, the radio auto-Touch the “Channels” key to display a list ofbroadcasting station.
matically changes from stereo to monaural re-channels.TouchachanneldisplayedonthelisttoWhen in SXM mode, press the seek
ception. change to that channel. Touch the “Categories”buttonsorto change the category.
4-46 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems

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year of production from: 2012

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