owners manual Chevrolet Corvette
owners manual Chevrolet Corvette - year of production: 2013 - Chevrolet Corvette C7 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Corvette, year of production 2013:
Chevrolet Corvette Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-Black plate (37,1)
7576293) - 2015 - crc - 6/17/14
Driving and Operating 9-37
brake pedal is released or brakeRide Control Systems vehicle wheel brakes to assist the
pedal pressure is quickly driver in keeping the vehicle on the
decreased. Traction Control/ intended path.
Hill Start Assist (HSA) Electronic Stability If cruise control is being used when
Control TCSbeginstolimit wheel spin, the
If equipped, HSA may automatically cruise control will automatically
activate when the vehicle is stopped The vehicle has a Traction Controldisengage. Cruise control may be
on a grade. This feature is designedSystem(TCS) and a StabiliTrakreengaged when road conditions
to prevent the vehicle from rolling,system. These systems help limitallow. SeeCruise Control on
either forward or rearward, duringwheel spin and assist the driver inpage 9-48.
vehicle drive off. During themaintaining control, especially onBoth systems come on
transition from releasing the brakeslippery road conditions.automatically when the vehicle is
pedal to accelerating to drive off onTCSactivates if it senses that thestarted and begins to move. The
a grade, HSA holds the brakingrear wheels are spinning too muchsystems may be heard or felt while
pressure to prevent rolling. HSA willor are beginning to lose traction.they are operating or while
not activate if the vehicle is in aWhenthis happens, TCS appliesperforming diagnostic checks. This
drive gear and facing downhill or ifthe brakes to the spinning wheelis normal and does not mean there
the vehicle is facing uphill and inand reduces engine power (byis a problem with the vehicle.
R(Reverse). closing the throttle and managingIt is recommended to leave both
engine spark) to limit wheel spin.systems on for normal driving
StabiliTrak activates when theconditions, but it may be necessary
vehicle senses a difference between to turn TCS off if the vehicle gets
the intended path and the directionstuck in sand, mud, ice, or snow.
the vehicle is actually traveling.SeeIf the Vehicle Is Stuck on
StabiliTrak selectively appliespage 9-13and“Turning the
braking pressure to any one of theSystems Off and On”later in this
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