owners manual Alfa Romeo 147 GTA
owners manual Alfa Romeo 147 GTA - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Alfa Romeo 147 GTA owners manual EN
pdf (5.73 MB) 290 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 147 GTA, year of production 2000 - 2010:
Before anything else, you are advised toCharge the battery as follows:See “Starting with an auxiliary battery” in
read the precautions for preventing the bat- this chapter.
tery from draining and for ensuring long life– Disconnect the battery negative termi-
in the “Vehicle maintenance” chapter.nal (–).
– Connect the charger cables to the bat-WARNING
IN AN EMERGENCYCHARGING THE BATTERYtery terminals ensuring that the bias is cor-
rect. Do not attempt to charge a
IMPORTANT The battery charging pro-– Turn on the charger. frozen battery: it must
cedure is described only for information pur- firstly be thawed, otherwise it
poses. This operation should be carried out– After charging, turn off the charger be-may burst. If freezing has occurred,
by Alfa Romeo Authorised Services.fore disconnecting it from the battery.the battery should be checked by
Charging should be slow at a low amp rat-– Re-connect the battery negative termi-skilled personnel to make sure that
ing for 24 hours. Charging for a longer timenal (–). the internal elements are not dam-
may damage the battery. aged and that the body is not
cracked, with the risk of leaking
poisonous and corrosive acid.
The liquid contained in theStrictly avoid using a bat-
battery is poisonous and tery charger to start the
corrosive. Avoid contact with theengine: you may damage
skin or eyes. The battery should bethe electronic systems, in particu-
charged in a well ventilated place,lar the ignition and fuel supply con-
trol units.
away from naked flames or pos-
sible sources of sparks: danger of
explosion and fire.
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year of production from: 2000
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Alfa Romeo 147 GTA owners manual
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