owners manual Nissan Juke
owners manual Nissan Juke - year of production: 2010 - Nissan Juke owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Juke, year of production 2010:
Black plate (217,1)
DRIVING Your NISSAN is designed for both normal andmay stall. If you drive down them,
off-road use. However, avoid driving in deepyou may not be able to control your
WARNING water or mud as your NISSAN is mainlyspeed. If you drive across them, you
designed for leisure use, unlike a conventionalmay roll over.
Never drive under the influence ofoff-road vehicle. . Donotshift ranges while driving on
alcohol or drugs. Alcohol in the blood-Remember that Two-Wheel Drive (2WD) mod-downhill grades as this could cause
stream reduces coordination, delaysels are less capable than All-Wheel Driveloss of control of the vehicle.
reaction time and impairs judgement.(AWD) models for rough road driving and.Stay alert when driving to the top of
Driving after drinking alcohol increasesextrication when stuck in deep snow, mud, ora hill. At the top there could be a
the likelihood of being involved in anthe like. drop-off or other hazard that could
accident injuring yourself and others.Please observe the following precautions:cause an accident.
Additionally, if you are injured in an
accident, alcohol can increase the se- WARNING . If your engine stalls or you cannot
verity of the injury. make it to the top of a steep hill,
. Drive carefully when off the roadnever attempt to turn around. Your
NISSAN is committed to safe driving. However, vehicle could tip or roll over. Always
youmustchoosenottodriveundertheinfluenceand avoid dangerous areas. Everyback straight down in R (Reverse)
of alcohol. Every year thousands of people areperson who drives or rides in thisrange. Never back down in N (Neu-
injured or killed in alcohol-related accidents.vehicle should be seated with theirtral), using only the brake, as this
Although the local laws vary on what isseat belt fastened. This will keepcould cause loss of control.
considered to be legally intoxicated, the fact isyouandyourpassengersinposition
that alcohol affects all people differently andwhen driving over rough terrainHeavy braking going down a hill
most people underestimate the effects of couldcauseyourbrakestooverheat
alcohol. . Do not drive across steep slopes.andfade,resulting in loss of control
Instead drive either straight up orand an accident. Apply brakes
Remember, drinking and driving don’t mix! Andstraight down the slopes. Off-road
that is true for drugs, too (over-the-counter,vehicles can tip over sideways muchlightly and use a low range to
prescription, and illegal drugs). Don’t drive ifmoreeasilythantheycanforwardorcontrol your speed.
your ability to operate your vehicle is impaired bybackward. . Unsecured cargo can be thrown
alcohol, drugs, or some other physical condition. around when driving over rough
. Many hills are too steep for any
Starting and driving5-7
Model "F15-D" EDITED: 2010/ 6/ 24
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year of production from: 2010
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