owners manual BMW X5 X6 E71 E72
owners manual BMW X5 X6 E71 E72 - year of production: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 - BMW X5 X6 E71 E72 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X5 X6 E71 E72, year of production 2008 - 2014:
ba8_e70ag.book Seite 215 Freitag, 5. Juni 2009 11:42 11
BMW Assist*
BMW Assist* > Automatic Collision Notification: under cer-At a glan
tain conditions, a connection is established
BMW Assist provides a number of different ser-to the BMWAssist Response Center after a
vices. For example, the position data of the serious accident. If possible, the BMW
vehicle can be transmitted to the BMW Assist Assist Response Center then speaks with ls
Response Center when an Emergency you and takes further steps to help you.r
Request* is sent. n
> Enhanced Roadside Assistance: BMW Co
Many BMW Assist services depend on the indi- * can be contacted if
Roadside Assistance
vidually agreed contract. assistance is needed in the event of a
After your contract has expired, the BMW breakdown. If possible, the vehicle and ps
Assist system will be deactivated by the BMW position data are transmitted in the process.g ti
Assist Response Center without you having to > Customer Relations: connection to Cus-n
visit a BMW Sports Activity Vehicle Center. tomer Relations for information on all ivi
After the BMW Assist system has been deacti-aspects of your vehicle. Dr
vated, no BMW Assist service will be available. > TeleServices: data on your vehicle's service
The BMW Assist system can be reactivated by status or required inspections are transmit-
a BMW Sports Activity Vehicle Center after a ted to your BMW Sports Activity Vehicle
new contract has been signed. Center, either automatically before a ser-
Requirements vice due date or when you request a BMW
service appointment. Navigation
> The installed BMWAssist system is logged > Remote Door Unlock: the BMW Assist t
in on a wireless communications network. Response Center provides assistance if, for n
This network must be capable of transmit-example, the remote control is not available
ting the services. and the vehicle needs to be opened. nme
> To transmit position data, the vehicle must t
> Stolen Vehicle Recovery: after you report to r
be able to determine the current position.the police that your vehicle was stolen, the
> To activate and update BMWAssist, a BMW Assist Response Center can deter-Ente
GPSsignal must be available. mine its position. ns
> The BMW Assist service contract was > In addition, the optional Convenience Plan io
signed with your BMW Sports Activity Vehi-offers a concierge service and information icat
cle Center or with the BMW Assist on route planning, the traffic situation and un
Response Center. Enabling must have weather. Using Critical Calling, a limited mm
been completed. number of calls can be made via the BMW Co
> BMW Assist is activated. Assist Response Center, for example if the
mobile phone is not available or discharged.
Services offered Press the SOS button to contact the BMW
> Emergency Request: when you press the Assist Response Center.
SOS button, a connection to the BMW > You can also access the BMW Assist con-lity
Assist Response Center is established. The cierge service via the Internet.bi
BMW Assist Response Center then speaks M
with you and takes further steps to help you.
215 Refere
Online Edition for Part no. 01 41 2 602 756 - © 06/09 BMW AG

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year of production from: 2008

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BMW X5 X6 E71 E72 owners manual
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