owners manual Chrysler 300M
owners manual Chrysler 300M - year of production: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 - Chrysler 300M owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chrysler 300M, year of production 1999 - 2004:
temperatures below -37°F (-38°C) are anticipated.
Useonlyhighpuritywatersuchasdistilled or deionizedThe warning words “DO NOT OPEN HOT” on the
water when mixing the water/antifreeze solution. Thecooling system pressure cap are a safety precaution.
use of lower quality water will reduce the amount ofNever add coolant when the engine is overheated.
corrosion protection in the engine cooling system.Do not loosen or remove the cap to cool an over-
heated engine. Heat causes pressure to build up in
NOTE: Mixingcoolanttypeswilldecreasethelifeofthethe cooling system. To prevent scalding or injury, do
engine coolant and will require more frequent enginenot remove the pressure cap while the system is hot
coolant changes. or under pressure.
Please note that it is the owner’s responsibility to main-
tain the proper level of protection against freezing ac-WARNING!
cording to the temperatures occurring in the area where
the vehicle is operated. Donot use a pressure cap other than the one speci-
Cooling System Pressure Cap fied for your vehicle. Personal injury or engine
The cap must be fully tightened to prevent loss ofdamage may result.
coolant, and to insure that coolant will return to the
radiator from the coolant reserve tank.
The cap should be inspected and cleaned if there is any
accumulation of foreign material on the sealing surfaces.
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year of production from: 1999
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Chrysler 300M owners manual
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Chrysler 300M owners manual
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