owners manual Mazda CX-3
owners manual Mazda CX-3 - year of production: 2015 - Mazda CX 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mazda CX-3, year of production 2015:
When Driving
System Brake WARNING
Foot Brake Dry off brakes that have become
vehicle has power-assisted brakes This wet by driving slowly, releasing the
that adjust automatically through normal accelerator pedal and lightly applying
use. the brakes several times until the brake
performance returns to normal:
Should power -assist fail, you can stop by Driving with wet brakes is dangerous.
applying greater force than normal to the Increased stopping distance or the
brake pedal. But the distance required to vehicle pulling to one side when
stop will be greater than usual. braking could result in a serious
accident. Light braking will indicate
WARNING whether the brakes have been affected.
Do not coast with the engine stalled or
turned off, fi nd a safe place to stop: CAUTION
Coasting with the engine stalled or
turned off is dangerous. Braking will
require more effort, and the brake's Do not drive with your foot held
power-assist could be depleted if you on the clutch pedal or brake pedal,
pump the brake. This will cause longer or hold the clutch pedal depressed
stopping distances or even an accident. halfway unnecessarily. Doing so
could result in the following:
Shift to a lower gear when going down
steep hills: The clutch and brake parts will
wear out more quickly.
Driving with your foot continuously on
the brake pedal or steadily applying the The brakes can overheat
brakes for long distances is dangerous. and adversely affect brake
This causes overheated brakes, performance.
resulting in longer stopping distances
or even total brake failure. This could
cause loss of vehicle control and a
serious accident. Avoid continuous
application of the brakes.
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year of production from: 2015
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Mazda CX 3 owners manual
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