owners manual Chevrolet Cobalt
owners manual Chevrolet Cobalt - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Chevrolet Cobalt owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Cobalt, year of production 2004 - 2010:
And always keep in mind that the vehicle you areBacking Up
driving is now a good deal longer and not nearly asHold the bottom of the steering wheel with one hand.
responsive as your vehicle is by itself.Then, to move the trailer to the left, just move that hand
Before you start, check all trailer hitch parts andto the left. To move the trailer to the right, move your
attachments, safety chains, electrical connector, lamps,hand to the right. Always back up slowly and, if possible,
tires and mirror adjustment. If the trailer has electrichave someone guide you.
brakes, start your vehicle and trailer moving and then
apply the trailer brake controller by hand to be sureMaking Turns
the brakes are working. This lets you check your
electrical connection at the same time.Notice: Making very sharp turns while trailering
During your trip, check occasionally to be sure that thecould cause the trailer to come in contact with the
load is secure, and that the lamps and any trailervehicle. Your vehicle could be damaged. Avoid
brakes are still working. making very sharp turns while trailering.
Following Distance Whenyouareturningwith a trailer, make wider turns
than normal. Do this so your trailer will not strike soft
Stay at least twice as far behind the vehicle ahead asshoulders, curbs, road signs, trees or other objects. Avoid
you would when driving your vehicle without a trailer.jerky or sudden maneuvers. Signal well in advance.
This can help you avoid situations that requireTurn Signals When Towing a Trailer
heavy braking and sudden turns.
Passing When you tow a trailer, your vehicle may need a
different turn signal flasher and/or extra wiring. Check
You will need more passing distance up ahead whenwith your dealer. The arrows on your instrument
you are towing a trailer. And, because the vehiclepanel will flash whenever you signal a turn or lane
is a good deal longer, you will need to go much fartherchange. Properly hooked up, the trailer lamps will also
beyond the passed vehicle before you can return toflash, telling other drivers you are about to turn,
your lane. change lanes or stop.
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year of production from: 2004
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manual Chevrolet Cobalt Chevrolet Cobalt owners manual
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