owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Driving your vehicle
ISG auto-starting ✽✽ NOTICE
Before and after the engine enters the
When the ISG related sensors or sys-
idle stop mode, the ISG system will auto- tem error occurs, the ISGOFFbutton
matically check all the necessary items light will illuminate. If the button light
such as the safety of the vehicle and pas- is not turned off by pressing the ISG
senger comfort. OFFbutton again orif the ISGsystem
The engine will start automatically with- continuously does not work correctly,
out the driver's action if any of the follow- please contact an authorized KIA
ing occurs: dealer as soon as possible.
If the brake vacuum pressure is low Also, if the battery charging status is
If the fan speed of the manual climate low, the ISG OFF button light will
control system is set above the 3rd illuminate. When the button light
position when the air conditioning is on OED049101 comes on, it may stop illuminating
ISG(Idle Stop and Go) system after driving your vehicle at approxi-
If the fan speed of the automatic cli-
deactivation mately 80 km/h fora maximum of two
mate control system is set above the
6th position when the air conditioning hours and setting the fan speed con-
If you desire to deactivate the ISG sys-
is on trol knob below the 2nd position. If
tem, you can do it temporarily by press-
According to outside temperature or the button light continues to be illumi-
ing the ISG OFF button located on the
setting temperature of the climate con- left side of the instrument panel.nated in spite of the procedure, please
trol system when the air conditioning is contact an authorized KIA dealer as
After pressing the ISG OFF button, the
on soon as possible.
light on the button will illuminate.
When the defroster is ON The ISG system will activate by pressingWARNING
When the battery charge status is low the ISG OFF button again and the buttonWhen the engine is in Idle Stop
light will turn off.
If the vehicle speed is over 5km/h by mode, it's possible to restart the
rolling down a hill engine without the driver taking
It could be different up to the vehicle con- any action.
dition. Before leaving the car or doing any-
When the automatic starting occurs, the thing in the engine room area, stop
"AUTO STOP" indicator on the cluster the engine by turning the ignition
will blink for 5 seconds. key to the LOCK position or remov-
ing it.
5 8

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year of production from: 2006

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KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual
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