owners manual Seat Ateca
owners manual Seat Ateca - year of production: 2016 - Seat Ateca owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Ateca, year of production 2016:
SEAT recommends leaving the Front Assist al-SEAT recommends keeping the advanceTemporarily switching the Front Assist
ays switched on. Exceptions ››› page 210,warning function switched on at all times.
system off in the following situations
Temporarily switching the Front Assist sys-
Depending on the infotainment system in-
tem off in the following situations.
In the following situations the Front Assist
stalled in the vehicle, the advance warning
Monitoring System should be deactivated
function may be adjusted as follows:
Switching the Front Assist monitoring sys- due to the system's limitations ››› :
tem on and off ●
●When the vehicle is to be towed.
With the ignition switched on, the Front As-●Medium
●If the vehicle is on a test bed.
sist can be switched on and off as follows:
●When the radar sensor is damaged.
●Select the corresponding menu option us-
●If the radar sensor takes a heavy knock, for
ing the button for the driver assistance sys-
tems ››› page 30. SEAT recommends driving with the functionexample in a rear collision.
in “Medium” mode.
● ●If it intervenes several times unnecessarily.
OR: switch the system on and off in Easy
Connect using the button and the Set
●If the radar sensor is covered temporarily
Switching distance warning on and off
and Driver assistance function buttons
with some kind of accessory, such as an ad-
› › page 26.
If the safe distance with regard to the vehicle
ditional headlight or the like.
in front is exceeded, the relevant warning will
●When the vehicle is to be loaded on a lorry,
When the Front Assist monitoring system is
appear on the instrument panel display
ferry or train.
switched off, the instrument panel will inform
. In this case, increase the safe dis-
that it has been switched off with the follow-
ing indicator ››› Fig. 186.
The distance warning may be switched on
If the Front Assist is not switched off in the
and off in the Easy Connect system using
Switching the advance warning function on situations described, serious accidents and
the button and the Setup and
or off injuries may occur.
Driver assistance function buttons
● Switch off the Front Assist in critical situa-
The advance warning function may be switch-
›› page 26.
ed on and off in the Easy Connect system us-
ing the button and the Setup andThe system will store the setting for the next
Driver assistance function buttons time the ignition is switched on.
››› page 26.
System limitations
SEAT recommends keeping the distance
The system will store the setting for the nextwarning switched on at all times.
The Front Assist Monitoring System has cer-
time the ignition is switched on.
tain physical limitations inherent in the sys-
tem. Thus, in certain circumstances some of
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Seat Ateca owners manual
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