owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
CAUTION CAUTION If your vehicle is overheating (indicated by a red
high temperature warning light), or if you
● Always connect positive () to positive● Do not push start this vehicle. Thefeel a lack of engine power, detect abnormal
()andnegative()tobodyground(forthree-way catalyst may be damaged.noise, etc. take the following steps.
example, strut mounting bolt, engine● Automatic Transmission (AT) models
lift bracket, etc.) — not to the battery.and Manual Transmission (MT) cannotWARNING
● Make sure the jumper cables do notbe push-started or tow-started. At-● Do not continue to drive if your vehicle
touch moving parts in the engine com-tempting to do so may cause transmis-overheats.Doingsocouldcauseengine
partment and that the cable clamps dosion damage. damageoravehiclefire.
not contact any other metal.● For manual transmission (MT) models,
nevertrytostartthevehiclebytowingit.● To avoid the danger of being scalded,
5. Start the engine of the booster vehicle andWhen the engine starts, the forwardneverremovetheradiatorcapwhilethe
let it run for a few minutes.surgecouldcausethevehicletocollideengine is still hot. When the radiator
6. Keep the engine speed of the booster ve-with the tow vehicle.cap is removed, pressurized hot water
hicle at about 2,000 rpm, and start the en- will spurt out, possibly causing serious
gine of the vehicle being jump started. injury.
● Do not open the hood if steam is com-
CAUTION ing out.
Donotkeepthestartermotorengagedfor 1. Move the vehicle safely off the road, apply
morethan10seconds. If the engine does the parking brake and move the shift lever to
not start right away, turn the key off and N (Neutral) (manual transmission) or to P
wait 3 to 4 seconds before trying again. (Park) (automatic transmission).
7. After starting the engine, carefully discon- Donotstoptheengine.
nectthenegativecableandthenthepositive 2. Turn off the air conditioner. Open all the
cable. windows, move the heater or air conditioner
8. Replace the vent caps (if so equipped). Be temperaturecontroltomaximumhotandfan
sure to dispose of the cloth used to cover control to high speed.
the vent holes as it may be contaminated
with corrosive acid.
6-12 Incaseofemergency

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year of production from: 2013

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Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual
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