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from owners manual to the vehicle Fiat Tipo, year of production 2015:
LIVE services in your vehicle you haveConnectedservicesthat can beAscreen will appear on the radio
to pair the Bluetooth® with youraccessedonthevehicleshowing 4 indices: Acceleration,
smartphone and the radio, asThe eco:Drive and my:Car apps areDeceleration, Speed and Gear. These
described in the "Pairing a mobiledeveloped to improve the customer'sindices are grey until the system has
TIMEDIAphone" chapter.driving experience, therefore they areenough data to evaluate the driving
Whenpairing is complete, theavailable in all markets where thestyle. Once sufficient data are available,
MULconnected services can be accessedUconnectLIVEservices can bethe indices will have 5 colours
by pressing the Uconnect LIVE iconaccessed.depending on the evaluation: dark
on the radio. If the navigation system is installed ingreen (very good), light green, yellow,
Before you can use the connectedthe radio, accessing theorange and red (very bad).
services, complete the activationUconnectLIVEservices enables useIn the event of extended inactivity, the
procedure by following the instructionsof the "Live" services.display will show the average of the
that appear in the UconnectLIVEeco:Driveindices until that moment (the "Average
appafter having done the Bluetooth®The eco:Drive application allows youindex"), then the indices will be
pairing. coloured again in real time as soon as
Settings of the Uconnect LIVEto display your driving behaviour in realthe vehicle is restarted.
services that can be managedtime, in order to help you reach a more
through the radio efficient driving style as far asRecording and transferring trip data
In the Uconnect LIVE radio menuconsumption and emissions areThe trip data can be stored in the
the "Settings" section can be accessedconcerned.system memory and transferred using a
by pressing theicon. In this sectionIn addition, the data can be saved on asuitably configured USB memory stick
the user can check the system optionsUSBflash drive, and the data analysisor by UconnectLIVE app. This
and change them according to theircan be made on your personalallows you to display the history of the
preferences. computer thanks to the eco:Drivecollected data, showing the complete
desktop application, available onanalysis of the trip data and of your
Systemupdates www.DriveUconnect.eu.driving style.
If an update for the UconnectLIVEDriving style is evaluated by means ofFurther information is available at
system is available while thefour indices which monitor the followingwww.DriveUconnect.eu.
UconnectLIVEservices are beingparameters: acceleration, deceleration,my:Car
used, the user will be informed with agearchange, speedmy:Carallows you to keep the "health"
messageontheradio screen. of your vehicle always under control.
Display of the eco:Drive
Press the eco:Drive button tomy:Carcandetect malfunction in real
interact with the function.time and inform the user about the
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