owners manual Hummer H3
owners manual Hummer H3 - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Hummer H3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hummer H3, year of production 2005 - 2010:
Environmental Concerns Traveling to Remote Areas
Off-road driving can provide wholesome and satisfyingIt makes sense to plan your trip, especially when going
recreation. However, it also raises environmentalto a remote area. Know the terrain and plan your
concerns. Werecognizetheseconcernsandurgeeveryroute. You are much less likely to get bad surprises.
off-roader to follow these basic rules for protecting theGet accurate maps of trails and terrain. Try to learn of
environment: any blocked or closed roads.
• Alwaysuseestablishedtrails, roads, and areas thatIt is also a good idea to travel with at least one other
havebeenspeciallysetasideforpublicoff-roadvehicle. If something happens to one of them, the other
recreational driving; obey all posted regulations.can help quickly.
• AvoidanydrivingpracticethatcoulddamagetheDoes your vehicle have a winch? If so, be sure to
environment—shrubs,flowers,trees,grasses—orread the winch instructions. In a remote area, a winch
disturb wildlife. This includes wheel-spinning,can be handy if you get stuck. But you will want to
breaking down trees, or unnecessary drivingknow how to use it properly.
through streams or over soft ground.High Mobility Characteristics
• Alwayscarryalitter bag —makesureallrefuseis
removedfromanycampsitebeforeleaving.Your vehicle has a 10 inch (25.4 cm) running ground
• Takeextremecarewithopenfires(wherepermitted),clearance (A), a 9 inch (22.8 cm) axle to ground
campstoves,andlanterns. clearance (B), and a low center of gravity.
• Neverparkyourvehicleoverdrygrassorother
combustible materials that could catch fire from
the heat of the vehicle’s exhaust system.
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year of production from: 2005
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