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owners manual Alfa Romeo 159

owners manual Alfa Romeo 159 - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Alfa Romeo 159 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (4.75 MB) 338 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 159, year of production 2005 - 2011:
001-045 Alfa 159 GB 8-04-2009 10:48 Pagina 20 TURNING THE INSTRUMENT TURNING THE INSTRUMENT AND PANEL ON PANEL OFF DASHBOARDCONTROLS Proceed as follows: With engine off and clutch and brake ❒fit the electronic key into the ignition pedals released, press button START/ device; STOPor remove the electronic key SAFETY DEVICES from the ignition device. ❒if the electronic key is fitted yet, press A few seconds after the instrument pan- A0E0028m button START/STOP without el display will turn off gradually. fig. 15 pressing the clutch or brake pedal. To safeguard the battery, when leaving IMPORTANT Contact Alfa Romeo Au- CORRECT USE OF THE CARENGINE STARTING thorized Services if the instrument pan- the car with the instrument panel on, See paragraph “Engine starting” in sec- electric and electronic devices will be de- el fails to turn off. tion “Correct use of the car”. activated after approx. 1 hour. RNING LIGHTS A AND MESSAGES IMPORTANT Fit completely the elec- W START/STOP BUTTON fig. 15 tronic key into the ignition device until it locks into place. IN AN Button START/STOP, set on the EMERGENCYdashboard, controls car electric systems IMPORTANT Contact Alfa Romeo Au- and engine starting/stopping. thorized Services if the instrument pan- el fails to turn on. CAR Button START/STOPis fitted with knurled ring and led. When the led and IMPORTANTIf when fitting the elec- MAINTENANCEthe instrument panel are on, the engine tronic key into the ignition device, the can be started. warning light Yon the instrument pan- TIONS el comes on (on certain versions to- TECHNICAL gether with a message on the display), SPECIFICA check whether the electronic key is the proper one and then try to refit it into the ignition device. If the problem per- INDEX sists contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Ser- vices. 20
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year of production from: 2005

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