owners manual BMW 3 E21
owners manual BMW 3 E21 - year of production: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983 - BMW 3 E21 316 318i 320 323i owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW 3 E21, year of production 1975 - 1983:
22 Car radio
BMWBavariacarradiosare builttothemarkson broadcastingtechniquesandClimaticeffects:fog, rain or snowcan
lateststandardsof radio engineering.thepossibledisturbancescausedbynatu-interferewithgoodradioreception.
With two frontloudspeakersfor monoralgeographicalfeatures,man-made Strongsunlight:althoughveryweak,the
reception,ortwoadditionalrearloudspea- structuresetc. emissionsfromthesun'ssurfacedointer-
kerson stereoreceivers,thecorrectBMWThestrengthofthesignalreceivedbyyourfere withlong, shortand mediumwave
antennaand thespeciallydesignedinter-carradioantenna,and thusthe qualityofreception.Thesewavebandscan be best
ferencesuppressionkit for your BMW,
• youcanbesurethatyourBMWBavaria the soundemergingfromthe loudspea- heard afterdark, when the ionosphere
car radio will providethe best possiblekers dependonthepositionofthereceiverreflectsmore of the transmittedsignal
receptionand brilliantsoundquality.and theheightand directionoftheanten-backto earth.
na. Thesefactorsare relativelyeasy toFlutteringnoiseis causedby signalfade,
If you specifieda factory-fittedradiotake into accounton a domesticradiowhentheline-of-sightlinkbetweentrans-
option,you will receivea ServicePassreceiver,butfora mobileradiosetsuchasmitterand receiveris blockedby large
withthe car'sdocuments;thiscontainsthatin a car certainconcessionshave tobuildingsorgeographicalfeatures.A simi-
of how to operateyour car
full details be made.The positionof the receiverislareffectis sometimesheardwhendriving
radio. constantlychanginganditis impossibletoalonga tree-linedroad.
To ensurethatyourlisteningpleasureiskeepthe antennaalignedwiththedirec-
unaffectedby local receptionproblems, tionof signaltransmission.Otherdistur-
please studythe followinggeneralre-bancefactorsare high-tensionoverhead
wires,pooror missinginterferencesup-
pressionon othervehicles.buildingsor
naturalobstacles.Even ifyourcarradiois
perfectlytunedand your car equipped
se unavoidablenoisesoradeteriorationin
soundqualityare oftenquitesevere.
Apartfrom regularantennacare, see
na shouldbe pulledouttoitsfulllengthto
obtainthe bestpossiblereceptionat all
times.The lowerpart of the telescope
shouldalwaysbe fullyextendedforradio

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year of production from: 1975

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BMW 3 E21 316 318i 320 323i owners manual
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