owners manual Suzuki SX4
owners manual Suzuki SX4 - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 - Suzuki SX4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Suzuki SX4, year of production 2006 - 2014:
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should reprogram any additional remote
CAUTION controllers at the same time.
The transmitter/remote controller is a • To purchase new remote controllers, see
your SUZUKI dealer.
sensitive electronic instrument. To
avoid damaging it, do not expose it to • Before you begin programming, have all
dust or moisture or tamper with inter- of your remote controllers available.
nal parts. To program a new remote controller
(1) 1) Close all the doors of the vehicle.
Programming/erasing the remote con-
troller code yourself 2) Sit in the driver’s seat and confirm that
Your new vehicle was originally equipped the driver’s door is unlocked.
with two remote controllers. 3) Insert the key into the ignition switch.
4) Complete steps 1 through 6 described
below within 25 seconds after step 3).
If you have lost one of the remote control-
66J017 lers, you should change the remote con-
troller code in your vehicle’s memory as
2) Replace the battery (1) (Lithium disc
type CR2032 or equivalent) so its + ter-soon as possible for security. If you pur-
chase additional remote controllers, the
minal faces the bottom of the case as
shown in the illustration. new remote controllers need to be pro-
3) Close the remote controller firmly. grammed into your vehicle’s memory. You
4) Make sure the door locks can be oper- can perform this yourself by using the fol-
ated with the remote controller. lowing procedure: UNLOCK LOCK
5) Dispose of the used battery properly (2) (1)
according to applicable rules or regula- NOTE:
• You can program up to four remote con-
tions. Do not dispose of lithium batter-
ies with ordinary household trash. troller codes into your vehicle’s memory.
The four codes may be the same or dif-
WARNING ferent.
• If you try to program a fifth code, the four 80JC093
Swallowing a lithium battery may
remote controller codes that are pro-
cause serious internal injury. Do not 1. Push the power door locking switch
grammed will be cleared automatically. of the driver’s door to the lock posi-
allow anyone to swallow a lithium
• If you program a new remote controller tion and then push it to the unlock
battery. Keep lithium batteries away
code, all of the old remote controller
from children and pets. If swallowed, position.
contact a physician immediately. codes that are in your vehicle’s memory 2. Repeat step 1 two more times.
will be erased automatically. When you
program a new remote controller, you

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year of production from: 2006

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