owners manual Citroen C4 Picasso
owners manual Citroen C4 Picasso - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 - Citroen C4 Picasso I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C4 Picasso, year of production 2004 - 2013:
A ccess to the spare wheel Pu tting the wheel back in place
The tyre valve must be facing
Pass the linking plate through
the centre of the wheel (fi rst re-
moving the central trim on cer-
tain alloy wheels).
Turn the carrier drive a nti-clock-
wise to draw in the carrier cable.
Initially the drive will turn freely,
then the cable will tighten to raise
the wheel.
Check that the wheel is tight
C 4 Picasso G rand C4 Picasso against the vehicle fl oor and
not interfering with other nearby
T aking out the wheel (C4 Picasso) T aking out the wheel (Grand components (e.g. the exhaust).
Lift the boot fl oor covering to re-C4 Picasso) Stow the tools.
veal the spare wheel carrier drive Lift the boot fl oor covering to re-
on the left. veal the spare wheel carrier drive
Take the extension 7 from the on the right.
set of tools. Take the extension 8 clipped in
Lift up the spare wheel carrier the rear of the well below the
right hand third-row seat.
drive aperture cap, if fi tted. Lift up the spare wheel carrier
Fit the extension to the drive then
drive aperture cap.
engage the head of the wheel-
brace 4 on the extension. Fit the extension to the drive then With the damaged wheel
now under the vehicle fl oor,
Turn the assembly clockwise to engage the head of the wheel-
brace 4 on the extension. the vehicle has reduced
the end of its travel to lower the
spare wheel carrier; the spare Turn the assembly clockwise to ground clearance, so take extra
care when reversing or driving on
wheel is now resting on the the end of its travel to lower the
uneven surfaces, including kerbs.
ground. spare wheel carrier; the spare
Retrieval of the spare wheel and
Pull the wheel towards you and wheel is now resting on the
stowage of the affected road wheel
pass the linking plate through
the centre of the wheel. Pull the wheel towards you and are operations that should be done
with the vehicle standing on its
pass the linking plate through
wheels, not supported by the jack.
the centre of the wheel.
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year of production from: 2004
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citroen c4 picasso i 1 owners manual
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