owners manual BMW M4
owners manual BMW M4 - year of production: 2014 - BMW M4 F82 F84 Coupe M Power owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW M4, year of production 2014:
Seite 205
Care Mobility
Cleaning sensors/camera lenses with
Vehicle features and options
high-pressure washers
This chapter describes all standard, country-
When using high-pressure washers, do not
specific and optional features offered with the
spray the sensors and camera lenses on the
series. It also describes features that are not
outside of the vehicle for long periods and
necessarily available in your car, e. g., due to
maintain a distance of at least 12 in/30 cm.◀
the selected options or country versions. This
also applies to safety-related functions and
Automatic car washes
systems. The respectively applicable country
provisions must be observed when using the
respective features and systems.
Do not use high pressure washing sys‐
Car washes
With washing systems operating at high pres‐
sures and nozzle positions close to the win‐
General information
dows, drops of water can penetrate.◀
Regularly remove foreign objects such as
▷ Give preference to cloth car washes or
leaves in the area below the windshield when
those that use soft brushes in order to
the hood is raised.
avoid paint damage.
Wash your vehicle frequently, particularly in
▷ Make sure that the wheels and tires are not
winter. Intense soiling and road salt can dam‐
damaged by the transport mechanisms.
age the vehicle.
▷ Fold in the exterior mirrors; otherwise, they
may be damaged, depending on the width
of the vehicle.
Steam jets or high-pressure washers
▷ Deactivate the rain sensor, refer to
When using steam jets or high-pressure
page 68, to avoid unintentional wiper acti‐
washers, hold them a sufficient distance away
and use a maximum temperature of
▷ In some cases, an unintentional alarm can
140 ℉/60 ℃.
be triggered by the interior motion sensor
If the vehicle has a glass sunroof, ensure that a
of the alarm system. Follow the instruc‐
distance of at least 31.5 inches/80 cm is main‐
tions on avoiding an unintentional alarm,
tained. Holding them too close or using exces‐
refer to page 45.
sively high pressures or temperatures can
cause damage or preliminary damage that may Guide rails in car washes
then lead to long-term damage.
Avoid car washes with guide rails higher
Follow the user's manual for the high-pressurethan 4 in/10 cm; otherwise, the vehicle body
washer.◀ could be damaged.◀
Before driving into a car wash
In order to ensure that the vehicle can roll in a
car wash, take the following steps:
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 960 786 - II/15

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year of production from: 2014

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manual BMW M4 BMW M4 F82 F84 Coupe M Power owners manual
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