owners manual Volvo V70 XC70
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo V70 XC70, year of production 2007:
05 During your trip
Towing a trailer
Introduction when driving in hot climates or hilly terrain.WARNING
Volvo recommends the use of Volvo trailerUse a lower gear and turn off the air con-
hitches that are specially designed for the vehi-ditioner if the temperature gauge needle• Bumper-attached trailer hitches must
cle. enters the red range. not be used on Volvos, nor should
• If the automatic transmission begins tosafety chains be attached to the
NOTE overheat, a message will be displayed inbumper.
the text window. • Trailer hitches attaching to the vehicle
See page 273 for the maximum trailer and• Avoid overload and other abusive opera-rear axle must not be used.
tongue weights recommended by Volvo.tion. • Never connect a trailer's hydraulic
• Hauling a trailer affects handling, durabil-brake system directly to the vehicle
• Observe the legal requirements of theity, and economy. brake system, nor a trailer's lighting
state/province in which the vehicles are system directly to the vehicle lighting
• All Volvo models are equipped with• It is necessary to balance trailer brakessystem. Consult your nearest author-
energy-absorbing shock-mounted bump-with the towing vehicle brakes to provide aized Volvo retailer for correct installa-
ers. Trailer hitch installation should notsafe stop (check and observe state/localtion.
05 interfere with the proper operation of thisregulations).• When towing a trailer, the trailer's safety
bumper system. • Do not connect the trailer's brake systemwire must be correctly fastened to the
Trailer towing does not normally present anydirectly to the vehicle's brake system.hole or hook provided in the trailer hitch
particular problems, but take into considera-• More frequent vehicle maintenance ison the vehicle. The safety wire should
tion: required. never be fastened to or wound around
• Remove the ball and drawbar assemblythe drawbar ball.
• Increase tire pressure to recommendedwhen the hitch is not being used.
full. See the tire inflation tables on pages
247 and 247. • Volvo recommends the use of synthetic
• When your vehicle is new, avoid towingengine oil when towing a trailer over long
heavy trailers during the first 620 milesdistances or in mountainous areas.
(1,000 km).
• Maximum speed when towing a trailer:
50 mph (80 km/h).
• Engine and transmission are subject to
increased loads. Therefore, engine coolant
temperature should be closely watched

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year of production from: 2007

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Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual
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