owners manual Mercedes GL
owners manual Mercedes GL - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Mercedes Benz GL Class X164 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GL, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Controls in detail
Differential locks*
For more information on Off-road driving, A few words about differentials and The Electronic Traction System (ETS) ad-
see “Off-road driving” ( page 357).differential locks*dresses this problem and provides for
Vehicles with enhanced off-road package* good control and steering ability by auto-
are equipped with automatic locks for the When a vehicle negotiates a turn, wheels matically slowing the slipping wheel and
center and rear axle differential to improve on the outside of the curve must travel far-thus increasing the power to the other
vehicle traction. ther and rotate faster than the inside non-slipping drive wheels to get the vehicle
wheels. The differential, the operation of a moving. The ESP® and ETS in this vehicle
The center differential compensates set of gears that allows the powered feature such intelligent limited-slip differ-
for differences in wheel rotation be-wheels in a vehicle to turn at different ential technology, ideally suited for
tween the front and rear axle.speeds, makes this essential function pos-on-road and light off-road driving. Transfer
sible. case position LOW (
The rear axle differential compensates page203) also en-
differences between the rear wheels.The drawback is that the differential also hances off-road driving capabilities
sends most of the engines power to the page357).
iAt the front axles, the 4-ETS system wheel with the least load or strain on it. For More extreme off-road conditions may call
(page109) compensates for any traction example, if one of a vehicles powered
problems. for another solution, engaging a differen-
wheels sits on a patch of snow and spins tial lock or preventing the differential from
because there is no traction, all of the en-operating altogether. This vehicle comes
gines power will go to that wheel because with two differential locks: transfer case
the power will take the path of least resis-(center) and rear. Each can be engaged
tance. Meanwhile, the opposite wheel, sit-simply by operating a rotary switch located
ting on dry pavement where it could get on the center console ( page 207). When
enough grip to start the vehicle moving, the transfer case (center) differential is
sits idle because it receives no power.locked, the combined (or average) speed
of the front wheels is identical to the com-
bined rear wheel speed. When the rear
differential is locked, both rear wheels turn
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year of production from: 2006
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Mercedes Benz GL Class X164 owners manual
pages 204 - 210
Mercedes Benz GL Class X164 owners manual
page 207 / 595
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