owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
USB(Universal Serial Bus)The vehicle is not equipped with a USB device.Notes for iPod® use
Connection Port USBdevicesshouldbepurchasedseparatelyasiPod®is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in
necessary. the U.S. and other countries.
WARNING This system cannot be used to format USB de-● ImproperlypluggingintheiPod®maycause
Donotconnect,disconnect,oroperatethevices. To format a USB device, use a personala check mark to be displayed on and off
USBdevicewhiledriving.Doingsocanbecomputer. (flickering).Always make sure that the
a distraction. If distracted you could loseInsomejurisdictions,theUSBdeviceforthefrontiPod®is connected properly.
control of your vehicle and cause an acci-seats plays only sound without images for regu-● AniPod®nano(1stGeneration)mayremain
dent or serious injury.latory reasons, even when the vehicle is parked.in fast forward or rewind mode if it is con-
CAUTION This system supports various USB memory de-nectedduringaseekoperation.Inthiscase,
vices, USBharddrivesandiPod®players.Someplease manually reset the iPod®.
● Do not force the USB device into theUSBdevices may not be supported by this sys-● An iPod® nano (2nd Generation) will con-
USB port. Inserting the USB devicetem. tinue to fast-forward or rewind if it is discon-
tilted or up-side-downintotheportmay● Partitioned USB devices may not play cor-nected during a seek operation.
damage the port. Make sure that therectly.
USB device is connected correctly into ● Anincorrectsongtitlemayappearwhenthe
the USB port. ● Some characters used in other languagesPlay ModeischangedwhileusinganiPod®
● Do not grab the USB port cover (if so(Chinese, Japanese, etc.) may not appearnano (2nd Generation).
equipped) whenpulling the USB deviceproperly in the display. Using English lan-● Audiobooks may not play in the same order
out of the port. This could damage theguagecharacters with a USB device is rec-as they appear on an iPod®.
port and the cover. ommended.
General notes for USB use● Largevideofilescauseslowresponsesinan
● Do not leave the USB cable in a place iPod®. The vehicle center display may mo-
where it can be pulled unintentionally.● Refer to your device manufacturer’s ownermentarily black out, but will soon recover.
Pulling the cable may damage the port.information regarding the proper use and● IfaniPod®automaticallyselectslargevideo
care of the device. files while in the shuffle mode, the vehicle
center display may momentarily black out,
but will soon recover.
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-33

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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