owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2010 - Nissan Micra March K13 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2010:
Black plate (205,1)
GUID-BE06C17C-419B-4EB4-AD19-8D688DDC9C3A GUID-F7E5D977-5816-4216-A489-AC98F4CE6D92 GUID-B41A6172-5C67-4B9D-B83F-23644F56F6A3
During the first 1,600 km (1,000 miles), follow these WARNING: WARNING:
recommendations to obtain maximum engine perfor-
manceandensurethefuture reliability and economy ofThe driving characteristics of your vehicle will . Never leave children or adults who would
your new vehicle. Failure to follow these recommenda-change remarkably by any additional load and normally require the support of others alone
tions may result in shortened engine life and reducedits distribution, as well as by adding optional in your vehicle. Pets should not be left alone
engine performance. equipment (trailer coupling, roof racks, etc.). either. They could unknowingly activate
. Do not drive at a constant speed, either fast orYour driving style and speed must be adjusted switches or controls and inadvertently be-
slow, for long periods of time. according to the circumstances. Especially when come involved in a serious accident and
. Do not run the engine over 4,000 rpm (HR12 or carrying heavy loads, your speed must be injure themselves. On hot, sunny days,
HR15 engine) or 2,500 rpm (K9K engine). reduced adequately. temperatures in a closed vehicle could
. Do not accelerate at full throttle in any gear. quickly become high enough to cause se-
. Make sure the area around the vehicle is clear. vere or possibly fatal illness to people or
. Do not start quickly. . Visually inspect tires for their appearance and animals.
. Do not brake hard as much as possible. condition. Measure and check the tire pressure for.Properlysecureallluggagetohelppreventit
proper inflation. from sliding or shifting. Do not place lug-
. Check that all windows and lights are clean. gagehigherthantheseatbacks.Inasudden
. Adjust the seat and head restraint positions. stop or collision, unsecured luggage could
. Adjust the inside and outside rearview mirror cause personal injury.
. Fasten your seat belt and ask all passengers to doEXHAUSTGAS(carbon monoxide)
the same.
. Check that all doors are closed. WARNING:
. Check the operation of the warning lights when. Do not breathe exhaust gas; it contains
the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position.colorless and odorless carbon monoxide.
. Maintenance items in the “8. Maintenance and do- Carbonmonoxideisdangerous.Itcancause
it-yourself” section should be checked periodi- unconsciousness or death.
cally. . If you suspect that exhaust fumes are
entering the vehicle, drive with all windows
fully open, and have the vehicle inspected
. Donotruntheengineinclosedspacessuch
as a garage.
. Do not park the vehicle with the engine
running for an extended period of time.
Starting and driving 5-3
Condition: [ Edit: 2013/ 2/ 25Model: K13-A ]

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year of production from: 2010

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instrukcja obsługi Nissan Micra Nissan Micra March K13 owners manual
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