owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
maybeused.However,someprovincesandstates • Neverinstallsnowchainsonatemporary-use • Do not include the temporary-use spare tyre
prohibit their use. Check local, state and provincialspare tyre. in the tyre rotation.
laws before installing studded tyres. Skid and trac-• Donotdrivewithsnowchainsonpavedroads • Incorrect tyre selection, fitting, care or main-
tion capabilities of studded snow tyres, on wet or whichareclearofsnow.Drivingwithchainsin tenance can affect vehicle safety with risk of
dry surfaces, may be poorer than that of non-stud- such conditions can cause damage to the accident and injury. If in doubt, consult a
ded snow tyres. various mechanisms of the vehicle due to NISSANdealer or the tyre manufacturer.
Use of snow chains may be prohibited in some ar- TYREROTATION
eas. Check the local laws before installing snow
are of proper size for the tyres on your vehicle and
are installed according to the chain manufacturer’s
suggestions. Use chain tensioners when recom-
mended by the snow chain manufacturer to ensure
atight fit. Loose end links of the snow chain must be
secured or removed to prevent the possibility of
riage. SDI1663Z
In addition, drive at a reduced speed. Otherwise, Tyres should be periodically inspected for wear,
your vehicle can be damaged and/or vehicle han- NISSAN recommends that tyres be rotated every cracking, bulging or objects caught in the tread. If
dling and performance may be adversely affected. 10,000 km (6,000 miles). excessive wear, cracks, bulging or deep cuts are
Snow chains must be installed only on the front See“Flattyre”inthe“6.Incaseofemergency”sec- found, the tyre should be replaced.
wheels and not on the rear wheels. tion for tyre replacing procedures. The original tyres have a built-in tread wear indica-
CAUTION tor j1 . When the wear indicator is visible, the tyre
Do not drive with snow chains on paved roads WARNING should be replaced.
which are clear of snow. Driving with chains in • After rotating the tyres, adjust the tyre pres- The wear indicator locations are indicated by the
such conditions can cause damage to the vari- sure. location marks j2.
ous mechanisms of the vehicle due to some
overstress. • Retighten the wheel bolts when the vehicle
• Neverinstallsnowchainsonasmallsizespare has been driven for the first 1,000 km (600
tyre. miles) (also in cases of a flat tyre, etc.).
8-30 Maintenance and do-it-yourself

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year of production from: 2006

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