owners manual Nissan Qashqai
owners manual Nissan Qashqai - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Qashqai, year of production 2013:
• If the engine of the vehicle stalls or you cannot• Ifatallpossible,avoidsharpturningmanoeuvres,quentmaintenancemayberequired.Fordetails,
make it to the top of a steep grade, never at-particularly at high speeds. Your 4WD vehiclerefer to the separately provided Warranty Infor-
tempt to turn around. Your vehicle could tip orhas a higher centre of gravity than a 2WD ve-mation and Maintenance Booklet.
roll over. Always drive backwards and straighthicle and can tip over more easily. The vehicle is• Rinse the underside of the vehicle with fresh
downinR(reverse) gear. not designed for cornering at the same speedswater after driving through mud or sand. Re-
Never drive backwards with the shift lever in Nasconventional 2WDmodelsanymorethanlowmoveanybrushorsticks that are trapped.
(Neutral) and/or with the clutch depressed andsports cars are designed to perform satisfacto-
using the brake as this could result in loss ofrily under off-road conditions. Failure to operate• Install the same size of winter tyres on all four (4)
control. this vehicle correctly could result in loss of con-wheels (such as studless tyres) or install snow
trol and/or a rollover accident.chains to the front wheels when driving on slip-
• Heavy braking down a hill could cause your• Donot grip the inside or spokes of the steeringpery roads (e.g. after a snowfall) and drive care-
brakes to overheat and fade, resulting in loss ofwheel when driving off-road. The steering wheelfully using 4WD.
control and an accident. Apply the brakes lightlycould jerk and injure your hands. Instead, drive• Avoid parking your vehicle on steep hills. If you
andusealowgeartocontrolyourvehiclespeed.with your fingers and thumbs on the outside ofget out of the vehicle and it rolls forwards, back-
• Unsecured cargo can be thrown around whenthe rim.wards or sideways, you could be injured.
driving over rough terrain. Properly secure it so• Before operating the vehicle, ensure that the
that it will not be thrown forwards and causedriver and all passengers have their seat belts
injury to you or your passengers.fastened.
• Toavoidraisingthecentreofgravityexcessively,• Always drive with the floor mats in place as the
donotexceedtheratedcapacityoftheroofrack/floor may become very hot. Particular care
gear bin (where fitted) and evenly distribute theshould be taken if you are barefoot.
load. Secure heavy loads in the luggage area as
farforwardsandaslowaspossible.Donotequip• Lower your speed when encountering strong
the vehicle with tyres larger than specified. Thiscrosswinds.Withitshighercentreofgravityyour
could cause your vehicle to roll over.NISSAN is more affected by gusty side winds.
• Acceleratingquickly,sharpsteeringmanoeuvresSlower speeds ensure better vehicle control.
or sudden braking may cause loss of control.• Be sure to check the brakes immediately after
• Do not drive beyond the performance of thedriving in mud or water as specified in “Wet
tyres, even with 4WD. Sudden acceleration,brakes” later in this section.
steering or braking may result in loss of control• Wheneveryoudriveoff-road through sand, mud
and could cause the vehicle to become stuck.or water as deep as the wheel hub, more fre-
Starting and driving5-29
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year of production from: 2013
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manual Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual
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