owners manual Infiniti Q50
owners manual Infiniti Q50 - year of production: 2013 - Infiniti Q50 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q50, year of production 2013:
ered with water, dirt, snow, etc When a sudden change in brightness
. On roads where discontinued lane occurs. (For example, when the vehicle
markers are still detectable. enters or exits a tunnel or under a
. Onroadswhere there are sharp curves.bridge.)
. On roads where there are sharply
contrasting objects, such as shadows,
snow, water, wheel ruts, seams or lines
remaining after road repairs. (The LDP
system could detect these items as
lane markers.)
. On roads where the traveling lane
merges or separates.
. When the vehicle’s traveling direction JVS0308X
does not align with the lane marker. Driver assist system lane indicator
. When traveling close to the vehicle in LDP system operation
front of you, which obstructs the lane The LDP system provides a lane departure
camera unit detection range. warning and steering control assistance
. When rain, snow or dirt adheres to the when the vehicle is driven at speeds of
windshield in front of the lane camera approximately 45 MPH (70 km/h) and
unit. above.When the vehicle approaches either
. Whenthe headlights are not bright due the left or the right side of the traveling
to dirt on the lens or if the aiming is not lane, a warning chime will sound and the
adjusted properly. driver assist system lane indicator (orange)
. When strong light enters the lane will blink to alert the driver. Then, the LDP
camera unit. (For example, the light system will automatically apply the steer-
directly shines on the front of the ing for a short period of time to help assist
vehicle at sunrise or sunset.) the driver to return the vehicle to the center
of the traveling lane.
5-34 Starting and driving
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year of production from: 2013
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