owners manual BMW X1 E84
owners manual BMW X1 E84 - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - BMW X1 E84 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X1 E84, year of production 2009 - 2016:
Seite 205
Office Communication
Dialing phone numbers
1. Select the desired contact.
2. Select the phone number.
Equipment version with the mobile phone prepѪ
The connection is established.
aration package.
Editing a contact
At a glance
1. Select the desired contact.
Contacts can be created and edited. The conѪ
2. "Edit contact"
tacts from the mobile phone are displayed as
well if this function is supported by the mobile
phone. The addresses can be adopted as desѪ
tinations for navigation and the phone numbers
can be dialed.
Displaying contacts
General information
1. "Office"
2. "Contacts" 3. Change the entries.
4. "Store contact in vehicle"
When a contact is edited, the changes are not
stored on the mobile phone. A copy of the entry
is stored in the vehicle.
Selecting the contact as a navigation
1. Select the desired contact.
2. Select the address.
All contacts are listed in alphabetical order. DeѪ
When contacts from the mobile phone are
pending on the number of contacts, an A-Z
used, the address may need to be matched
search is offered, refer to page 23.
to the navigation data contained in the vehiѪ
A symbol indicates the storage location of the
cle. In this case:
Correct the address.
Symbol Storage location
3. "Start guidance" or "Add as another
No symѪ In the vehicle; the address has not
bol been checked as a destination.
Checking the address as a destination
In the vehicle; the address has
An address that is to be used for destination
been checked as a destination.
guidance must match the navigation data conѪ
Mobile phone.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 914 595 - VI/12
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year of production from: 2009
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manual BMW X1 E84 BMW X1 E84 owners manual
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