owners manual Chevrolet Traverse
owners manual Chevrolet Traverse - year of production: 2008 - Chevrolet Traverse owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Traverse, year of production 2008:
Chevrolet Traverse Owner Manual - 2012 Black plate (25,1)
Infotainment System7-25
Continue pressing either softkeyConnecting a USB StorageTo connect an iPod, connect one
below the arrow tab until the artistDevice or iPod®end of the USB cable that came
displays. with the iPod to the iPod’s dock
To change from playback by artist to connector and connect the other
playback by album: end to the USB port located in
the instrument panel storage
1. Press the softkey below the Sort area. If the vehicle is on and the
By tab. USBconnectionworks,“OK to
2. Press one of the softkeys below disconnect”and a GM logo may
the Album tab from the sort appear on the iPod, and iPod
screen. appears on the radio's display. The
3. Press the softkey below the iPod music appears on the radio’s
Back tab to return to the main display and begins playing.
music navigator screen. The iPod charges while it is
The album name displays on the connected to the vehicle if the
second line between the arrowsTo connect a USB storage device,vehicle is in the ACC/ACCESSORY
and songs from the current albumconnect the device to the USB portor ON/RUN position. When the
begins to play. Once all songs fromlocated in the instrument panelvehicle is turned off, the iPod
that album have played, the playerstorage area. SeeInstrument Panelautomatically powers off and will
movestothe next album inStorage on page 4‑1for morenot charge or draw power from the
alphabetical order on the CD andinformation.vehicle's battery.
begins playing MP3 files from thatThe USB port can be used toIf you have an older iPod model that
album. control an iPod or a USB storageis not supported, it can still be used
To exit music navigator mode, pressdevice.by connecting it to the Auxiliary
the softkey below the Back tab to Input Jack using a standard 3.5 mm
return to normal MP3 playback. (1/8 in) stereo cable. SeeClock on
page 5‑8for more information.

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year of production from: 2008

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Chevrolet Traverse owners manual
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