owners manual Mitsubishi ASX
owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Starting and driving
It is not possiblО to Пullв sОО obstaclОs аhОn
Cargo loads
thО lОns is Нirtв. IП thО lОns bОcomОs contami-
It is possiblО to sОt thО Нisplaв languagО oП E00609901383
natОН bв аatОr НroplОts, snoа, muН or oil,
thО scrООn to English, Spanish, FrОnch, GОr-
аipО oПП thО contamination, taking carО not
man, Italian, SаОНish, Dutch, Danish or Por- Cargo loads precautions
to scratch thО lОns.
PlОasО obsОrvО thО Пolloаing cautions. Ignor-
For НОtails, plОasО rОПОr to thО sОparatО oаn-l
ing thОm coulН lОaН to a camОra malПunction.
Оr’s manual Пor “MITSUBISHI Multi Com-
• Do not subjОct thО camОra to phвsical
munication SвstОm (MMCS)”.
shock. Do not load cargo or luggage higher than
WhОn thО vОhiclО is tilting bОcausО oП thО num- l
• Do not applв аaб to thО camОra. the top of the seatback. Be sure that your
bОr oП pОoplО in thО vОhiclО, thО аОight anН
• Do not splash thО camОra аith boiling аa- cargo or luggage cannot move once your
positioning oП luggagО, anН/or thО conНition
tОr. vehicle is moving. Having the driver’s vi-
oП thО roaН surПacО, thО linОs in thО viОа
• Do not НisassОmblО thО camОra. sion blocked, and your cargo being
Пrom thО rОar-viОа camОra maв not bО accu-
thrown inside the cabin if you suddenly
ratОlв positionОН rОlativО to thО actual roaН.
have to brake can cause a serious acci-
ThО linОs in thО viОа Пrom thО rОar-viОа cam-
dent or injury.
Оra arО basОН on a lОvОl, Пlat roaН surПacО. Do
Load heavy cargo or luggage in the front
not usО thОm as a guiНО Пor НistancОs to soliН l
of the vehicle. If the load in the back of
the vehicle is too heavy, steering may be-
BОcausО thО rОar-viОа camОra has a spОcial
come unstable.
4 lОns, thО linОs on thО grounН bОtаООn parking
spacОs maв not look parallОl on thО scrООn.
In thО Пolloаing situations, thО scrООn inНica-
l Loading a roof carrier
tion maв bО НiППicult to sОО. ThОrО is no ab-
• Loа light (nighttimО)
• WhОn thО light oП thО sun or thО light
Пrom a vОhiclО’s hОaНlamps shinОs НirОct- Use a roof carrier that properly fits your
lв into thО lОns vehicle. Do not load luggage directly onto
→ WhОn an ОбtrОmОlв bright spot is the roof. For installation, refer to the in-
shoаn on thО scrООn, colour smОaring* (a struction manual accompanying the roof
charactОristic oП CCD camОras) can occur. carrier.
*: Colour smОaring: WhОn an ОбtrОmОlв When attaching/removing the roof carri-
bright spot (Пor ОбamplО, sunlight that has rО- er and loading/removing luggage, do not
ПlОctОН oПП thО bumpОr) is shoаn on thО apply excessive pressure on a single point.
scrООn, it appОars to lОavО a vОrtical trail. Depending on how and where the force is
IП thО camОra is hot anН is thОn coolОН bв applied, this may cause dents on the vehi-
rain or a car аash, thО lОns can mist up. This cle roof.
phОnomОnon НoОs not inНicatО a malПunction.
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year of production from: 2010
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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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