owners manual Honda CR-V
owners manual Honda CR-V - year of production: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 - Honda CR V owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Honda CR-V, year of production 1995 - 2001:
Low Oil Pressure Indicator
LOW OIL PRESSURE INDICATORNOTICE 3. If necessary, add oil to bring the
level back to the full mark on the
Running the engine with low oildipstick (see page 140 ).
pressure can cause serious mechanical
damage almost immediately. Turn4. Start off the engine and watch the oil
the engine as soon as you can safely getpressure indicator. If the light
the vehicle stopped. does not go out within ten seconds,
turn off the engine. There is a
1. Safely pull off the road and shutmechanical problem that needs to
off the engine. Turn on the hazardbe repaired before you can
warning indicators. continue driving. (See Towing on
page 212 .)
2. Let the vehicle sit for a minute.
This indicator should light when the Open the hood and check the oil
ignition switch is ON (II), and go outlevel (see page 100). Although oil
after the engine starts. It shouldlevel and oil pressure are not
never come on when the engine isdirectly connected, an engine that
running. If it starts flashing, itis very low on oil can lose pressure
indicates that the oil pressureduring cornering and other driving
dropped very low for a moment, thenmaneuvers.
recovered. If the indicator stays on
with the engine running, it shows
that the engine has lost oil pressure
and serious engine damage is
possible. In either case, you should
take immediate action.
Taking Care of the Unexpected
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year of production from: 1995
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Honda CR V owners manual
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