owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
CONTROLS Air recirculation button
WARNING Fan control dial
● Theairconditionercoolingfunctionop- Onposition (Indicator light on):
erates only when the engine is running.The fan control dial turns the fan on and off, andInterior air is recirculated inside the vehicle.
● Donotleavechildrenoradultswhowouldcontrols fan speed.PressthebuttontotheONpositionwhen:
normally require the assistance of othersAir flow control buttons
aloneinyourvehicle.Petsshouldalsonot ● driving on a dusty road.
be left alone. They could accidentally in-The air flow control buttons allow you to select● to prevent traffic fumes from entering pas-
jure themselves or others through inad-the air flow outlets.senger compartment.
vertent operation of the vehicle. Also, onMAX — Airflowsmainlyfromcenter and
hot, sunny days, temperatures in a closedA/Cside vents with maximum cooling● formaximumcoolingwhenusingtheaircon-
vehiclecouldquicklybecome high ditioner.
enough to cause severe or possibly fatalandturns on.
injuries to people or animals.— Airflows mainly from center andOff position (Indicator light off):
● Do not use the recirculation mode forside vents. Outsideairisdrawnintothepassengercompart-
longperiodsasitmaycausetheinterior— Airflows mainly from center andmentanddistributedthroughtheselectedoutlet.
air to become stale and the windows toside vents and foot outlets.Usetheoff position for normal heater or air con-
fog up. — Airflows mainly from foot outletsditioner operation.
NOTE: and partly from defroster.Air conditioner button
— Airflows mainly from defroster out-
● Odors from inside and outside the vehiclelets and foot outlets.Start the engine, turn the fan control dial to the
canbuildupintheairconditionerunit. Odor— Airflows mainly from defroster
can enter the passenger compartmentoutlets. desired position and press thebutton to
through the vents. Temperature control dial turn on the air conditioner. To turn off the air
● Whenparking,settheheater and air condi- conditioner, press thebutton again.
tioner controls to turn off air recirculation toThetemperaturecontrol dial allows you to adjustThe air conditioner cooling function oper-
allow fresh air into the passenger compart-the temperature of the outlet air. To lower theates only when the engine is running.
ment. This should help reduce odors insidetemperature, turn the dial to the left. To increase
the vehicle. the temperature, turn the dial to the right.
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-27

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year of production from: 2013

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