owners manual Fiat 500
owners manual Fiat 500 - year of production: 2007 - Fiat 500 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Fiat 500, year of production 2007:
Operating Tips smoke, perfumes, etc.) from sticking to the windows.
Window Fogging Contaminates increase the rate of window fogging.
Windowswillfogontheinsidewhenthehumidityinside Summer Operation
the vehicle is high. This often occurs in mild or coolNOTE: In some cases during high temperature opera-
temperatures when it’s rainy or humid. In most cases,tion, the air conditioning system performance may be
turningtheairconditioning(pressingtheA/Cbutton)onreduced. This is to help protect the engine from overheat-
will clear the fog. Adjust the temperature control, airing during the high load condition.
direction, and blower speed to maintain comfort.
As the temperature gets colder, it may be necessary toYour air conditioning system is also equipped with an
direct air onto the windshield. Adjust the temperatureautomatic recirculation system. When the system senses
control and blower speed to maintain comfort. Highera heavy load or high heat conditions, it may use Recir-
blower speeds will reduce fogging. Interior fogging onculation A/C mode to provide additional comfort while
the windshield can be quickly removed by selecting thein automatic mode.
DEFROST mode. Winter Operation
Regular cleaning of the inside of the windows with aWhen operating the system during the winter months,
non-filming cleaning solution (vinegar and water worksmake sure the air intake, located directly in front of the
very well) will help prevent contaminates (cigarettewindshield, is free of ice, slush, snow, or other
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year of production from: 2007
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Fiat 500 owners manual
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