owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
ahead. The sensor generally detects the
O DonotusetheIntelligentCruiseControl signals returned from the reflectors on a
system if you are towing a trailer. The vehicle ahead.Therefore,ifthesensorcan-
systemmaynotdetectavehicleahead. not detect the reflector on the vehicle
O Insomeroadortrafficconditions, a ve- ahead, the ICC system may not maintain
hicle or object can unexpectedly come theselecteddistance.
intothesensordetectionzoneandcause Thefollowingaresomeconditionsinwhich
automaticbraking.Youmayneedtocon- thesensorcannotdetectthesignals:
trol the distance from other vehicles O Whenthereflectorofthevehicleahead
using the accelerator pedal. Always stay is positioned high on the vehicle
alert and avoid using the ICC system (trailer, etc.).
whenitisnotrecommendedinthissec- O Whenthereflectoronthevehicleahead
tion. SSD0376 is missing, damagedorcovered.
VEHICLE-TO-VEHICLEDISTANCE O Whenthereflectorofthevehicleahead
MODEOPERATION is covered with dirt, snow and road
Always pay attention to the operation of O Whenthesnoworroadsprayfromtrav-
the vehicle and be ready to manually con-eling vehicles reduces the sensor’s vis-
trol the proper following distance. Theibility.
vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode of
the Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC) systemO When dense exhaust or other smoke
may not be able to maintain the selected(black smoke) from vehicles reduces
distance between vehicles (following dis-thesensor’svisibility.
tance) or selected vehicle speed under
somecircumstances. O When excessively heavy baggage is
The vehicle-to-vehicle distance control loaded in the rear seat or the trunk of
modeusesasensor A yourvehicle.
of the vehicle to detect vehicles traveling
5-20 Startinganddriving

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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