owners manual BMW X1 E84
owners manual BMW X1 E84 - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - BMW X1 E84 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X1 E84, year of production 2009 - 2016:
Seite 201
Telephone Communication
▷ ғғ.ҒҒ Identifies the answers generated by theThe system says: »Dialing number‑.
voice operation system.
Using voice activation
Dialing a phone number
Activating the voice activation system
1. ғDial numberҒ
2. Say the phone number.
1. Press the button on the steering
3. ғDialҒ
2. Say the command.
Correcting the phone number
The sequence of digits can be deleted after the
Terminating the voice activation
system has repeated the digits.
ғCorrect numberҒ
Press the button on the steering wheel
The command can be repeated as often as necѪ
or ғCancelҒ.
Possible commands
Deleting a phone number
Having possible commands read aloud
All digits entered up to that point are deleted.
Press the button on the steering wheel.
Possible commands are announced.
The digits from zero to nine are recognized. The
Voice phone book
digits can be spoken separately or combined in
Depending on how your vehicle is equipped, it
a sequence to accelerate the entry.
may be necessary to create your own voice
phone book.
Using alternative commands
The entries must be entered using voice activaѪ
The system often recognizes a number of difѪ
tion and are separate from the memory in the
ferent commands to run a function; for instance:
mobile phone. Up to 50 entries can be set up.
ғDial nameҒ or ғNameҒ
Saving an entry
Example: dialing a phone number
1. ғSave nameҒ
1. Press the button on the steering 2. Say the name. Do not exceed the speaking
wheel. duration of approx. 2 seconds.
2. ғDial numberҒ 3. Say the phone number after being prompted
to do so by the system.
The system says: »Please say the number‑.
4. ғSaveҒ
3. For instance, ғ123 456 790Ғ
The system says: »123 456 790. Continue?
Deleting an entry
1. ғDelete nameҒ
4. ғDialҒ
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 914 595 - VI/12
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