owners manual Suzuki SX4 S-Cross
owners manual Suzuki SX4 S-Cross - year of production: 2013 - Suzuki SX4 S Cross owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Suzuki SX4 S-Cross, year of production 2013:
GasolinelEthanol blends
Fuel Recommendation Blends of unleaded gasoline and ethanol NOTICE
(grain alc?hol), also known as gasohol, are The fuel tank has an air space to
commercially available in some areas. allow for fuel expansion in hot
Gasoline Engine Blends of this type may be used in your weather. If you continue to add fuel
vehicle if they are no more than 10% etha-after the filler nozzle has automati-
nol. Make sure this gasoline-ethanol blend cally shut off or an initial blowback
has octane ratings no lower than those occurs, the air chamber will become
recommended for gasoline. full. Exposure to heat when fully
GasolinelMethanol blends fuelled in this manner will result in
leakage due
Blends of unleaded gasoline and methanol to fuel expansion. To
(wood alcohol) are also commercially prevent such fuel leakage, stop filling
available in some areas. DO NOT USE after the filler nozzle has automati-
fuels containing more than 5% methanol cally shut off, or when using an alter-
under any circumstances. Fuel system native non-automatic system, initial
damage. or vehicle performance problems vent blowback occurs.
t:l) UNLEADED resulting from the use of such fuels are not
all FUEL ONLY EXAMPLE the responsibility of SUZUKI and may not NOTICE
be covered under the New Vehicle War-Be careful not to spill fuel containing
61 M MOA043 ranty. alcohol while refueling. If fuel is
You must use unleaded gasoline with an Fuels .containing 5% or less methanol may
octane number (RON) of 91 or higher (or be sU.ltable for use in your vehicle if they
RON of 95 or higher if it is stated on the contain cosolvents and corrosion inhibi-
fuel filler lid). These vehicles are also iden-tors.
tified by a label attached near the fuel filler NOTE:
pipe that states: "UNLEADED FUEL If you are not satisfied with the driveability
ONLY", "NUR UNVERBLEITES BENZIN" or fuel economy of your vehicle when you
"ENDAST BLYFRI BENSIN" or "SOLO are using. a gasoline/alcohol blend, you
GASOLlNA SIN PLOMO". should SWitch back to unleaded gasoline
If the "RON 95" label is attached, you must containing no alcohol.
use unleaded gasoline with an octane
(RON) of 95 or higher.

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year of production from: 2013

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instrukcja obsługi Suzuki SX4 S Cross Suzuki SX4 S Cross owners manual
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instrukcja obsługi Suzuki SX4 S Cross Suzuki SX4 S Cross owners manual
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