owners manual Volvo S90
owners manual Volvo S90 - year of production: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 - Volvo S90 V90 960 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo S90, year of production 1990 - 1998:
1998 Volvo S90
are used properly. However, children ● Make sure the child restraint is available for use in the luggage
could be endangered in a crash if the system is approved for the child's compartment of station wagon models.
child restraints are not properly secured height, weight and development - This seat is designed for two children,
in the vehicle. Failure to follow the the label required by the standard each weighing between 23 - 40 kg (50 -
installation instructions for your child or regulation, or instructions for 88 lbs.) and up to 150 cm (59 inches) in
restraint can result in your child striking infant restraints, typically provide height.
the vehicle's interior in a sudden stop. this information.
● In using any child restraint WARNING!
Holding a child in your arms is NOT a system, we urge you to look
suitable substitute for a child restraint carefully over the instructions ● When using the auxiliary seat
system. In an accident, a child held in a that are provided with the for children, both sections of
person's arms can be crushed between restraint. Be sure you the rear seat backrest must be
the vehicle's interior and an unrestrained understand them and can use secured in the upright position
person. The child could also be injured the device properly and safely ● Do not use a booster cushion or
by striking the interior, or by being in this vehicle. A misused child child seat in conjunction with
ejected from the vehicle during a sudden restraint system can result in the auxiliary seat.
maneuver or impact. The same can also increased injuries for both the
happen if the infant or child rides infant or child and other
unrestrained on the seat. Other occupants in the vehicle.
occupants should also be properly ● If your child restraint requires a
restrained to help reduce the chance of top tether strap, consult your
injuring or increasing the injury of a authorized Volvo retailer for top
child. All states and provinces have tether anchorage and installation
legislation governing how and where information.
children should be carried in a car. Find
out the regulations existing in your state
or province.
Occupant Safety pg. 13
Seat belt maintenance Occupant safety Reporting Safety Defects in
the U.S.
Check periodically that the anchor bolts How safely you drive doesn't depend on
are secure and that the belts are in good how old you are but rather on: If you believe that your vehicle has a
condition. Use water and a mild defect which could cause a crash or
detergent for cleaning. Check seat belt ● how well you see could cause injury or death, you
mechanism function as follows: Attach ● your ability to concentrate should immediately inform the
the seat belt and pull rapidly on the strap. ● how quickly you make decisions
under stress to avoid an accident. National Highway Traffic Safety
Volvo Concern for Safety The tips listed below are Administration (NHTSA) in
suggestions to help you cope with addition to notifying Volvo Cars of
Safety is the cornerstone for Volvo. Our the ever changing traffic North America. If NHTSA receives
concern dates back to 1927 when the environment. similar complaints, it may open an
first Volvo rolled off the production line. ● Never drink and drive. investigation, and if it finds that a
Three-point seat belts (a Volvo ● If you are taking any medication,
invention), safety cages, and energy- consult your physician about its safety defect exists in a group of
absorbing impact zones were designed potential effects on your driving vehicles, it may order a recall and
into Volvo cars long before it was abilities. remedy campaign. However,
fashionable or required by government ● Take a driver-retraining course NHTSA cannot become involved in
regulation. We will not compromise our ● Have your eyes checked regularly individual problems between you,
commitment to safety. We continue to ● Keep your windshield and your retailer, or Volvo Cars of North
seek out new safety features and to refine headlamps clean. America. To contact NHTSA, you
those already in our cars. You can help. ● Replace wiper blades when they
We would appreciate hearing your start to leave streaks. may either call the Auto Safety
suggestions about improving automobile ● Take into account the traffic, Hotline toll-free at 1-800-424-9393
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year of production from: 1990

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Volvo S90 V90 960 owners manual
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