owners manual Citroen C3
owners manual Citroen C3 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Citroen C3 I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C3, year of production 2002 - 2009:
C Changing the remote control battery
First, retract the key-carrier if necessary.
Unclip the housing by lifting at the rear (see diagram).
Battery: CR 0523 of 3 V.
Re-initialisation of the remote control
II After a change of battery, it may be necessary to re-initialise the remote
control. To do that, switch on the ignition and immediately action button A
on your remote control to trigger the action desired. This may take some ten
A seconds.
Note: Make a careful note of the numbers for the keys and for the remote
B control on the ASSISTANCE card. Keep this in a safe place.
Locating of the vehicleDDDooo nnnooot t t thththrrrooowww away the old batteries. They should be returned to a
CITROËN dealer or deposited at a recognised collection point (a camera
To locate the vehicle on a carpark, shop, for example).
press button A, the interior lamps
come on and the direction indica-
tors fl ash for a few seconds. The
vehicle remains locked.
Folding and ejecting the key
Button C is for folding and ejec-
ting the key from its housing in the
remote control.
If you do not press on button C, Except when reinitialising, the remote control cannot function
you could damage the key mecha-while the key is in the ignition, even when switched off.
nism. Warning: by inadvertently actioning the remote control, when
for example it is in your pocket, you can unlock the vehicle
without your realising it.
However, if none of the doors is opened within thirty seconds
following an unlocking, the doors will automatically relock.
Warning: there is a risk of damage if the replacement battery
is not the correct one.
OOnnllyy uussee bbaatttteerriiieeesss ttthhhaaatt are identical or equivalent to those
approved by CITROËN.

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year of production from: 2002

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