owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Welcometothegrowing family of new NISSAN owners. This vehicle has been delivered to you with confidence. It has been produced using the latest techniques
and strict quality control.
This manual was prepared to help you understand the operation and maintenance of your vehicle so that you may enjoy many kilometres (miles) of driving pleasure.
Please read through this manual before operating your vehicle.
Aseparate Warranty Information & Maintenance Booklet explains in detail the warranty coverage that applies to your vehicle.
resources available for you.
REMINDERSFORSAFETY! This vehicle should not be modified. Modifications could affect its performance,
Follow these important driving rules to help ensure a safe and complete trip forsafety or durability, and may even violate governmental regulations. In addition,
you and your passengers! damageorperformance problems resulting from modifications may not be cov-
ered under NISSAN warranties.
• NEVERdriveundertheinfluence of alcohol or drugs.READFIRST—THENDRIVESAFELY
• ALWAYSobservepostedspeedlimitsandneverdrivetoofastforcondi-Before driving your vehicle, read this Owner’s Manual carefully. This will ensure
tions. familiarity with controls and maintenance requirements, assisting you in the safe
• ALWAYS use your seat belts and appropriate child restraint systems.operation of your vehicle.
Preteen children should be seated in the rear seat.Throughout this manual the following symbols and words are used:
• ALWAYSprovideinformationabouttheproperuseofvehiclesafetyfea-
tures to all occupants of the vehicle. WARNING
• ALWAYSreviewthisOwner’sManualforimportantsafety information.Indicates the presence of a hazard that could cause death or serious per-
WHENREADINGTHEMANUAL sonal injury. To avoid or reduce the risk, the procedures described must be
followed precisely.
This manual includes information for all options available on this model. There-CAUTION
fore, you may find some information that does not apply to your vehicle.
All information, specifications and illustrations in this manual are those in effectIndicatesthepresenceofahazardthatcouldcauseminorormoderateper-
at the time of printing. NISSAN reserves the right to change specifications orsonalinjury, or damagetoyourvehicle.Toavoidorreducetherisk,thepro-
designs at any time without notice and without obligation.cedures described must be followed carefully.
Indicates additional helpful information.

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year of production from: 2006

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