owners manual Toyota Celica
owners manual Toyota Celica - year of production: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Toyota Celica VII 7 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota Celica, year of production 1999 - 2006:
’03MY CELICA U (L/O 0208)
Do–it–yourself service
If you perform maintenance by yourself, CAUTION Be sure that the ignition is off if
be sure to follow the correct procedure you work near the electric cooling
given in this section.
You should be aware that improper or in-When the engine is running, keepfans or radiator grille. With the
complete servicing may result in operatinghands, clothing, and tools away ignition on, the electric cooling fans
problems. from the moving fan and engine will automatically start to run if the
drive belts. (Removing rings, engine coolant temperature is high
Performing do–it–yourself maintenancewatches, and ties is advisable.)and/or the air conditioning is on.
during the warranty period may affect your
warranty coverage. Read the separate Right after driving, the engineUse eye protection whenever you
Toyota Warranty statement for details andcompartment—the engine, radiator,work on or under your vehicle
suggestions. exhaust manifold, power steering where you may be exposed to flying
fluid reservoir and spark plug or falling material, fluid spray, etc.
This section gives instructions only for
boots, etc.—will be hot. So be care-Used engine oil contains potentially
those items that are relatively easy for anful not to touch them. Oil, fluids
owner to perform. As explained in Section harmful contaminants which may
and spark plugs may also be hot. cause skin disorders such as in-
6, there are still a number of items thatIf the engine is hot, do not removeflammation or skin cancer, so care
must be done by a qualified technicianthe coolant reservoir cap or air re-should be taken to avoid prolonged
with special tools. lease valve or loosen the drain and repeated contact with it. To re-
For information on tools and parts for do–plugs to prevent burning yourself.move used engine oil from your
it–yourself maintenance, see “Parts and skin, wash thoroughly with soap
tools”. Do not smoke, cause sparks or al-and water.
low open flames around fuel or the
Utmost care should be taken when work-battery. Their fumes are flammable.Do not leave used oil within the
ing on your vehicle to prevent accidentalDo not get under your vehicle withreach of children.
injury. Here are a few precautions thatjust the body jack supporting it. Al-Dispose of used oil and filter only
you should be especially careful to ob-ways use automotive jack stands orin a safe and acceptable manner.
other solid supports. Do not dispose of used oil and fil-
ter in household trash, in sewers or
onto the ground. Call your dealer or
a service station for information
concerning recycling or disposal.
2003 CELICA from Aug. ’02 Prod. (OM20809U)

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year of production from: 1999

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