owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
LOWTIREPRESSUREWARNING 3. Park on a level surface and apply the parking
SYSTEM (if so equipped) jury. Check the tire pressure for allbrake. Shift the manual transmission into
four wheels and adjust the pressurereverse (automatic transmission in P).
The low tire pressure warning system monitorsto the COLD tire pressure shown on
tire pressure of all wheels (except the spare tire).the tire placard. If you have a flat tire,WARNING
If the vehicle is being driven with very low tirereplace it with a spare tire as soon as
pressure (lower than 25 psi, 171 kPa), the lowpossible. The transfer control lever
tire pressure warning system will activate and When a spare tire is mounted or a
warn you of it by the low tire pressure warning must be in the 2H, 4H or 4L position.
light. This system will activate only when thewheel is replaced, the low tire pres- Neverplacethetransfercontrol lever
vehicle is driven at speeds above 20 MPH (32sure warning system will not func-in the Nposition. Otherwise, the ve-
km/h).Formore details,pleaserefertotion. Contact your NISSAN dealer ashicle could roll unexpectedly even if
“Warning/indicator lights and audible remind-soonaspossiblefortirereplacementthe manualtransmissionisingearor
ers” in the “2. Instruments and controls” section,and/or system resetting.the automatic transmission is in the
and “Low tire pressure warning system” in the DonotinjectanytireliquidoraerosolP position. This could result in seri-
“5. Starting and driving” section.tire sealant into the tires, as this mayous personal injury or property dam-
WARNING cause a malfunction of the tire pres-age.
sure sensors. All-mode 4WD models:
If the low tire pressure warning lightCHANGINGAFLATTIRE Make sure the 4WD shift indicator
illuminates while driving, avoid sud- and/or transfer 4LO position indica-
den steering maneuvers or abruptIfyou have a flat tire, follow the instructionstor light remains illuminated before
braking, reduce vehicle speed, pullbelow. stopping the engine.
off the road to a safe location andStopping the vehicle MakesuretheATPlightisoffbefore
stop the vehicle as soon as possible. stopping the engine. Otherwise, the
Serious vehicle damage could occur1. Safely move the vehicle off the road awayvehicle could roll unexpectedly even
and may lead to an accident andfrom traffic. if the automatic transmission is in
could result in serious personal in-2. Turn on the hazard warning flasher.
6-2 In case of emergency

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year of production from: 1996

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Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual
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