owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
●In some countries, it is possible that your
Engine pre-heating/fault system*
car model is not sold, and therefore some at
After driving through water, mud, sludge, d
The warning lamp lights up to show that thespare parts are not available or the technical
etc., the braking effect can be delayed slight-
glow plugs are preheating the diesel engine.services may only be able to carry out limited
ly due to moisture build-up on the discs and
brake pads. Applying the brakes carefully
The control lamp lights up
several times will remove the moisture and
SEAT importers and distributors will gladly
restore the full braking effect.
If the control lamp lights up when the en-
provide information about the technical prep-
gine is started it means that the glow plugs
aration that your vehicle requires and also
are preheating. The engine can be started
about necessary maintenance and repairCAUTION ic
straight away when the lamp switches off.
● Driving through flooded areas may severelyAdv
damage vehicle components such as the en-
Control lamp flashes
Adhesive strips for headlightsgine, transmission, running gear or electrical
If a fault develops in the engine management system.
In countries where vehicles drive on the other
system while you are driving, the glow plug ●
Whenever driving through water, the Start-
side of the road to your home country, the
system lamp will flash . Take the vehicle to
Stop system* must be switched off
asymmetric dipped beam may dazzle drivers
a specialised workshop as soon as possible ››› page 196.
of oncoming vehicles.
and have the engine checked.
To prevent dazzling, you must apply stickers
to certain parts of the headlight lenses. Fur-
ther information is available at any Technical● Check the depth of the water before enter-
Driving tips Service. ing the flooded zone. ie
● Do not stop in the water, drive in reverse, or
Driving abroad stop the engine in any situation.
Driving on flooded roads ● Note that vehicles travelling in the opposite
To drive abroad, the following must be taken
direction may splash water that could exceed
into consideration:
To prevent damage to the vehicle when driv-the maximum permitted water height for your
ing through water, for example, along a floo-vehicle.
●For vehicles fitted with a catalytic converter
ded road, please observe the following:●
Avoid driving through salt water (corro-
ensure that unleaded petrol is available for ety
the journey. See the chapter “Refuelling”. Au-● Saf
The water should never come above the
tomobile organisations will have information
lower edge of the bodywork.
about service station networks selling unlea-
●Drive at pedestrian speed.
ded fuel.
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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