owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Features of your vehicle
Bluetooth Hands-Free Profile (HFP) Pairing
This is commonly used to allow car
You can use a Bluetooth device in your To pair your Bluetooth-enabled device to
car to make a hands-free phone call or tohandsfree kits to commthis Head Unit, makunicate withe sure that no device
mobile phones in the car.is currently streaming to this Head Unit
stream music onto your in-car speakers
(via this Head Unit).This Head Unit sup- first.
ports HFP, A2DP and AVRCP connec- Short press the SETUP button to
Notes for mobile phones
tion. enter the Setup menu.
Some functions (e.g. starting of speech
Short press the or button to
recognition) are not supported by all
access the Bluetooth sub-menu.
Advanced Audio Distribution Profilemobile phones. We cannot guarantee
that all functions described will be sup-
(A2DP) Now select “New Device”.
ported by all mobile phones with
Press the or button to select
This profile defines how high quality
Bluetooth. the number of the first digit.
audio (stereo or mono) can be streamed
from one device to another over a Press theorbutton to select the
Bluetooth connection. For example:
New device next digit.
music streamed from a mobile phone to
This function allows you to add a new
Repeat the above steps for the other
a wireless headset or car audio.phone to the Head Units Bluetooththree digits.
Device List. Maximum of 5 devices can
Press the OK button to confirm the 4-
Audio/Video Remote Control Profilebe added to the list.If the list is full, the
digit PIN for authentication and acti-
(AVRCP) oldest device will be replaced by the
vate the “Discoverable Mode”.
This profile is designed to provide a stan-newly added Bluetooth device, based on In “Discoverable Mode”the Head Unit
dard interface to control TVs, Hi-fi equip-last pairing date.broadcasts a Bluetooth ID.
ment, etc. to allow a single remote con- Look for the “KIA-BLUETOOTH” on
trol (or other device) to control all of the your Bluetooth device.
A/V equipment to which a user has
Enter identically the same PIN in your
access. It may be used in concert with Bluetooth device and authenticate
A2DP or VDP. pairing on your Bluetooth device.
When pairing is established, the ID of
the Bluetooth device and the service
list info will be stored in the Head Unit
Bluetooth Device List.
4 126

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year of production from: 2006

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KIA Ceed I 1 owners manual
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