owners manual Opel Astra
owners manual Opel Astra - year of production: 2015 - Opel Astra K V 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Opel Astra, year of production 2015:
Driving and operating195
● After a sudden lane change, theentering or exiting a bend or if thecruise control may not be able to
system needs a certain time tobend gets stronger or weaker. If it nobrake the vehicle in time to avoid a
detect the next precedinglonger detects any vehicle ahead,collision with a much slower vehicle or
vehicle. So if a new vehicle isthen control indicator A willafter a lane change. This is
detected, the system mayextinguish.particularly true if driving fast or if the
accelerate instead of braking. visibility is reduced due to weather
If the centrifugal force is too high in a
● Adaptive cruise control doesbend, the system slows down the
ignore the oncoming traffic.vehicle slightly. This braking level isWhile entering or exiting a motorway,
not designed to avoid spinning off theadaptive cruise control may lose the
● Adaptive cruise control does not
bend. The driver is responsible forvehicle ahead and accelerate up to
brake for stopped vehicles,
reducing the selected speed beforethe set speed. For this reason,
pedestrians or animals.
entering a bend and in general todecrease the set speed before the
Bends adapt the speed to the road type andexit or before the entry.
to existing speed limits.
Vehicle path changes
The adaptive cruise control calculates
a predicted path based on the
centrifugal force. This predicted pathIf another vehicle enters your driving
On motorways, adapt the set speed
considers the current bend path, adaptive cruise control will first
to the situation and the weather.
characteristic, but cannot consider aconsider the vehicle when it is
Always consider that adaptive cruise
future bend change. The system may completely in your path. Be ready to
control has a limited visibility range, a
lose the current vehicle ahead or take action and depress the brake
limited braking level and a certain
consider a vehicle which is not in thepedal, if you need to brake more
reaction time to verify if a vehicle is on
actual lane. This can happen when quickly.
the driving path or not. Adaptive

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year of production from: 2015

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Opel Astra K V 5 owners manual
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