owners manual Honda CR-V
owners manual Honda CR-V - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 - Honda CR V II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Honda CR-V, year of production 2001 - 2007:
Useagaugetomeasuretheair If you check the pressure when the RecommendedTirePressuresfor
pressure at least once a month. Even tires are hot [the vehicle has been NormalDriving
tires that are in good condition may driven several miles (kilometers)],
lose one to two psi (10 to 20 kPa, 0.1 youwill see readings 4 to 6 psi (30 to TireSize ColdTirePressure
to 0.2 kgf/cm ) per month. 40kPa,0.3to0.4kgf/cm )higher forNormalDriving
Remembertocheckthesparetireat than the cold reading. This is Front/Rear:
thesametime. normal;donotreleaseairtomatch P205/70R1595S 26psi(180kPa,
the cold pressure. 1.8 kgf/cm )
theyarecold.Thismeansthevehicle Youshouldgetyourowntire For convenience, the recommended
hasbeenparkedforatleast three pressure gauge and use it whenever tire sizes and cold air pressures are
hours, or driven less than 1 mile (1.6 youcheckyourtirepressures.This onalabelonthedriver’s doorjamb.
km). will make it easier for you to tell if a
pressure loss is due to a tire problem Foradditionaltechnicalinformation
Addorreleaseair,if needed, to andnotduetoavariationbetween about your tires, see page 230.
matchtherecommendedcoldtire gauges.
pressuresonthethirdcolumn. Tubeless tires have some ability to
self-seal if they are punctured. You
should look closely for punctures if a
tire starts losing pressure.
Maintenance 191

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year of production from: 2001

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Honda CR V II 2 owners manual
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