owners manual Mercedes R
owners manual Mercedes R - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 - Mercedes Benz R Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes R, year of production 2005 - 2013:
BA 251 USA, CA Edition A 2011; 1; 3, en-US2010-04-16T14:31:55+02:00 - Seite 194
d2sboike Version:
194 Towing a trailer
iVehicles with the AIRMATIC package:
Make sure that you do not operate the ADS
with a trailer attached, the vehicle will
switch or the vehicle level control system
always remain at highway level. When
when coupling/decoupling the trailer.
coupling up a trailer, please observe the
Observe the maximum permissible trailerfollowing:
dimensions (width and length).
if highway level has not been set
Most federal states and all Canadianmanually, the vehicle will automatically
provinces require by law: sink to highway level as soon as it
reaches a speed of 5 mph (8 km/h).
safety chains between the towing vehicle
high-speed level is not available.
and the trailer. The chains should be cross-
wound under the trailer drawbar. They mustThese restrictions apply to all accessories
be fastened to the vehicle's trailerpowered through a connection to the trailer
coupling, not to the bumper or the axle.power socket of your vehicle, e.g. a bicycle
Allow for enough play in the chains to
Driving and parking
facilitate turning tight corners.
a separate brake system for certain types
Towing a trailer
of trailer.
R There are numerous legal requirements
a safety switch for braked trailers. Check
the specific legal requirements applicableconcerning the towing of a trailer, e.g. speed
to your federal state. restrictions. Make sure that your vehicle/
trailer combination complies with the local
If the trailer detaches from the towing
requirements not only in your area of
vehicle, the safety switch applies the
residence but also at any location to which
trailer's brakes.
you are traveling. The police and local
! Do not connect the trailer's brake system
authorities can provide reliable information.
(if featured) to the hydraulic brake system
Please observe the following when towing a
of the towing vehicle, as the latter is
equipped with an anti-lock brake system.
To acquaint yourself with driving with a
Doing so will result in a loss of function of
trailer and with the resulting changes to
the brake systems of both the vehicle and
handling, you should practice cornering,
the trailer.
stopping and reversing in a traffic-free
iThe vehicle's wiring harness features a
line to the brake indicator lamp.
Before driving, check:
XMake sure that the automatic transmission
-the trailer coupling
is set to position P.
-the safety switch for braked trailers
XApply the vehicle's parking brake.
-the safety chains
XStart the engine.
-the electrical connections
XVehicles with the AIRMATIC package:
-the lights
select highway level and set ADS to
-the wheels
Adjust the exterior mirrors to provide an
XSwitch off the engine.
unobstructed view of the rear section of the
XClose all doors and the tailgate.
XCouple up the trailer.
If the trailer features electronically
XEstablish all electrical connections.
controlled brakes, pull away the vehicle/
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year of production from: 2005
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