owners manual Chevrolet Traverse
owners manual Chevrolet Traverse - year of production: 2008 - Chevrolet Traverse owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Traverse, year of production 2008:
Chevrolet Traverse Owner Manual - 2012 Black plate (16,1)
7-16 Infotainment System
If the disc is not removed, after If either arrow is held, or pressed BAND: Pressto listen to the radio
several seconds, the disc multiple times, the player continues whenaCDorDVDisplaying.The
automatically pulls back into the moving backward or forward CDorDVDremainsinsidetheradio
player. through the tracks on the CD. for future listening or viewing.
ZDVD(Eject): Pressand sREV(FastReverse):Press DVD/CD/AUX(Auxiliary):Press to
release to eject the disc that is and hold to reverse playback quickly select between DVD, CD,
currently playing in the top slot. within a track. Sound will be heard or Auxiliary.
AbeepsoundsandEjectingDisc at a reduced volume. Release to . If an auxiliary input device is
displays. resume playing the track. The not connected,“No Aux Input
If loading and reading of a disc elapsed time of the track displays. Device”displays.
cannot be completed, and the \FWD(FastForward):Press . Whenadiscisin either slot, the
disc fails to eject, press and and hold to advance playback DVD/CDtext tab and a message
holdZDVDformorethan quickly within a track. Sound will be showing the track or chapter
fiveseconds to force the disc to heard at a reduced volume. Release number displays.
eject. to resume playing the track. The
f(Tune): Turn to select tracks on elapsed time of the track displays. . If an auxiliary input device is not
RDM(Random):CDtrackscanbe connected, and a disc is in both
the CD that is currently playing. listened to in random, rather than the DVD slot and the CD slot,
©andSEEK¨SEEK: Press sequential order with the random the DVD/CD/AUXbutton only
©SEEKtogotothestartofthe setting. To use random, press the cycles between the two sources
current track if the track has playedsoftkey under the RDM tab until and does not indicate“No Aux
more than fiveseconds. If the track RandomCurrentDiscdisplays. Input Device.”
has played less than fiveseconds, Press the softkey again to turn off . If a front auxiliary input device is
the previous track will play. random play. connected, the DVD/CD/AUX
Press¨ SEEKto go to the next button cycles through all
track. available options.

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year of production from: 2008

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Chevrolet Traverse owners manual
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Chevrolet Traverse owners manual
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